You asked for this.
I will proceed through the simulation as i post so I don't know the results in advance.
Attached: 0.png (690x1070, 590K)
>no Eastertoad
2019... I am forgotten
Attached: 1461787694473.jpg (419x420, 38K)
we already have 3 frogs
Attached: 1.png (526x964, 177K)
Attached: 2.png (598x1025, 222K)
>La Creatura mobilizes the country's armed forces
Attached: 1528676087442.png (1528x1184, 53K)
Attached: 3.png (744x887, 127K)
I'm rooting for Monke because janny is a fag
I'm rooting for Greta because she is my queen
Attached: IMG_4183.png (225x225, 6K)
Attached: 4.png (597x910, 179K)
Attached: 4564.jpg (660x401, 46K)
Attached: 5.png (596x1075, 275K)
Attached: 6.png (579x732, 171K)
Based NORF BVLL having a Carling
>NORF BVLL cracks open a cold one.
fuckin based innit
Attached: 7.png (659x906, 201K)
>Pope Francis curses the skies for being celibate
Attached: 1541952767633.jpg (228x221, 8K)
norf BVLL cracks open a cold one
like pottery
>pope francis is an incel
Attached: 8.png (471x1045, 88K)
Attached: 9.png (522x1074, 223K)
Rooting for Giga and a grim exit for Angela
based Abe
Attached: 1552994899847.jpg (1242x1394, 156K)
>Doomer lets Stacy into his shelter
This won't end well, Doomer will get betrayed again
Attached: 10.png (679x753, 230K)
Attached: 11.png (399x459, 77K)
Boris just did the unthinkable.
Attached: 12.png (482x931, 183K)
>Angela attacks Bibi
Are germans back to their old tricks again?
Attached: 1568324024295.png (492x593, 332K)
>Boros overpowers Queen Liz, killing her
>Angela attacks Bibi
>Zoomer skips a meal that he finds too spicy
Top tier
>Angela attacks Bibi but he manages to escape
I'm getting a deja vu
Attached: 13.png (602x905, 261K)
>Janny siding with soyjak
Something doesn't add up
Attached: 14.png (667x1026, 476K)
Attached: 15.png (654x638, 170K)
Who knew Soyjak was a brexiteer ?
Attached: 16.png (715x625, 194K)
Attached: 5558834913943145.png (461x452, 103K)
Attached: 17.png (704x657, 177K)
Who can stop him ?
Attached: 1549302876473.jpg (1662x1086, 161K)
>why yes, I wasn't looking. How can you tell?
Attached: 18.png (652x1051, 178K)
>Oh, no, someone took my ID card! This will make mommy angry!
Attached: 453153143143153414.jpg (746x747, 158K)
Attached: 1550473430687.png (206x149, 27K)
Attached: 5314314315155513.png (494x591, 58K)
bros he died on the first one wtf
Attached: 19.png (551x783, 197K)
the aztlan warrior fears the power of karate
doomers only pretend to be depressed faggots
>He didn't do it for free
Attached: 531546721§51.jpg (250x175, 9K)
Attached: 20.png (525x761, 115K)
>la creatura is female
Attached: 1566231021867.png (1054x1079, 103K)
>Why yes I did pass out, how could you tell
Attached: 5f7.jpg (852x480, 74K)
soy or giga are going to win again
Attached: 21.png (550x781, 139K)
based bogdanoff peace be upon him
Attached: 1563405521197.png (589x589, 188K)
>You have to do it Stacy, the guilt of cucking Soyjak is too much
Attached: 1553216436391.png (647x818, 424K)
Why is every action made by GIGACHAD chad-like?
Attached: 22.png (552x759, 133K)
BASED Abe dabbing on those faggots
>Let me, Fernando mártinez tell you about the time i snapped the eternal jews neck
Attached: index.jpg (201x250, 11K)
>Abe... How dare you ? He was my best friend, my only friend
Attached: 1559219561244.jpg (988x1190, 238K)
>BASED Abe dabbing on those faggots
Attached: soyyy.png (785x1000, 261K)
Attached: 23.png (712x1077, 428K)
>they refused to reproduce rigachaddu, it can't be helped
Attached: 220px-Shinzō_Abe_Official.jpg (220x299, 13K)
>7 kills
>still no gf
Attached: 1547326243159.jpg (432x525, 79K)
Place your bets, I'm rooting for spurdo.
>dat soyjack image change
fernando is gonna steal stacy from chad and flex on ryan
I'm betting on spurdo or Fernando
Attached: 24.png (529x972, 209K)
don't do it Fernando, don't trust the bog
>why yes I kill monkeys for fun, how did you know
This was pretty funny let's have another round Afterwards
Attached: 1449249894056.jpg (1000x880, 422K)
holy shit
Attached: 25.png (492x746, 171K)
Mods are going to start deleting these threads though