If I moved to France, learned French, gave my English name a French twist and eat baguette...

If I moved to France, learned French, gave my English name a French twist and eat baguette, am I officially an ethnic Frenchman?

Macron grandfather for example was a English man from Bristol. Maybe my grand kids can become President of France too haha.

Attached: French ethnicity.png (1024x768, 867K)

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Napoleon was ITALIC not FRANK

> He thinks a French ethnicity exist

Everyone is a immigrant. France is the European version of the United States of America.


I thought France was the Brazil of Europe.

France is a fake nation. Southern France has several different ethnicities native to the land. Occitans, provencals, Gascons, and aquitanians. They should all have their own country. Brittany too.

couldn't you say that about almost every country? france doesn't really stand out in terms of ethnic/linguistic regionalism

Release Québec first.


we’re not locked in with them... they’re locked in with us

Every nation on Earth is fake.

brah, you can be anything you want
germans used to LARP as romans for example

Attached: 1547689189463.jpg (658x562, 63K)


Today's best post

no we didnt, we used to kick your pizzaasses, mario

>we Germany was always Austria's dog

no uk is los estados france is brazil

what's HRE then, if not you larping as romans?

Attached: 1545995814983.jpg (1415x1746, 1.35M)

> 1 - 7

>Macron grandfather for example was a English man from Bristol.
GREAT grand father faggot.

>north american saying you need a single ethnicity to be a country
embrace your generic superiority, mutts are the best of all worlds.


2 world wars

english pig dogs can't be french

>ethnic Frenchman
no such thing



what nation isn't fake in regard to history
nationality is a social construct

>pig dogs
is that a really French insult towards Brits? I remember hearing that somewhere.

>not capable to execute the brexit
>t. having a massive clown named boris for prime minister


they saw themselves as the successor of the Roman empire

>Voltaire posting
Reminder that he was a sodomite

even a broken clock is right twice a day

HRE was fucking cool tho

>Maybe my grand kids can become President of France too haha
Actually, your CHILD can become president here
All it takes to be the president is to be a son of a bitch

Unbelievably based


France made its choice to be a nation without a well defined ethnicity a long time ago and as far as the competition goes it's going pretty well for them.

Attached: 1561802994064.jpg (960x960, 110K)

wtf I love Sweden now

Didn't expect this from Sweden.


The official stance of France is that there are no "ethnic" Frenchmen. If you have the citizenship and speak the language you are considered French, that's all. Whether native French people see you that way is another story.

Attached: 367abf000b8d36674e3bd01e86aa3447.jpg (283x400, 24K)

send this to all Anglos!
Browns rule! whites drool!

i always knew sweds are our brother

Fuck off faggots my post was shit-tier and post-ironic. I hope you all choke on a big Anglo dick for all I care