
>feels good man

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Other urls found in this thread:

If you actually believe this you are retarded. kys.


More like $10-20

Are your bags ready?

>late adopters still expecting early adopter gains

>best tech
>best team
>real use case


>He doesn't know about xRapid

Shame on you.

sold my 30k bag that i bought at 0.25 today, if this goes to 5$ now without dropping to 0.2 before i'm gonna kms

We are early adopter you fucking limp wristed house nigger.
Newfriends: if you see anyone describing you as a late adopter he is probably a paid fudder/nocoiner/buttcoin maximalist. The timeline is this, it’s been established, and crucify these cunts:

Innovators-early (you are here) adopters-late adopters- the masses

>you will never be an innovator

Have a 40.5k bag bought @ 0.23, can't wait for the ride of my life

Kys if you think you are early now. $5 xrp means $192 billion mcap. Not happening anytime soon you retarded faggots.

why does Jow Forums hate money?

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corecuck detected

little pump because of the vague xRapid shilling, kek
dump incoming

>coin released in 2012
>massive pump in 2017 thanks to Koreans who have since abandoned all trade volume in it
>He still thinks he's an early adopter.

this is why yall some poverty ass faggots and deserve to stay poor

Shortsighted and fucking dim.

You sold the bottom didn’t you retard? You little retarded boy

>He thinks crypto is mainstream?
>he thinks 6 years is a long life for an asset
>He thinks 10 years is a long time for a completely new asset class
>he thinks the tech has already reached its potential
>he thinks crypto has even scratched the surface of ITS potential.
>he is a depressed clown that will kill himself in a couple years or dedicate his life to the throbbing hurt in his butt that never ever goes away

>best team
>made nothing but products that don't use XRP
>hire pajeets to run a "we're decentralized" campaign
>throw parties with Snoop Dogg

Lol your CTO is shit who spends most of ghis time debating people on Twitter.

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$42 eoy

>We are early adopter
ripple holders actually believe this even though ripple is worth $13 fucking billion dollars which puts it in the 0.0001 percentile of companies in the US

Shorting at the moment

LMAO, but their linkies will be $1000 eoy

>Wanted banks to use XRP to settle payments
>Couldn't because of regulatory concerns and volatility
>Decided to take on Swift and build a new payment system from the ground up to solve these problems
>Over 120 partners and growing

They've accomplished more than any other team in crypto can dream of. The endgame is about XRP.

lol, he is a genius, literally the best developer in the crypto space

Wow you’re so right!!!! You really got a handle on the numbers. You fudded. You failed. Accept it and fuck right off nigger.

>mfw Stellar does everything Ripple can do and way more
>tfw Ripple is shilling xRapid while Stellar already released WorldWire with IBM
>tfw Chain (funded by banks) picked Stellar over Ripple
>tfw your fatass of a CTO is debating with internet trolls about philosophy
>tfw your chief board member speaks after Jed asking people to buy his sheckels
>tfw your CEO throws a party every year

It's getting embarassing. Here have some tits losers.

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>it doesn't use the stellar token
kek good try, but you are not fooling us

Worldwire is the same approach Ripple abandoned over three years ago. I can assure you that no one familiar with the problems Ripple faced is concerned. Nice tits tho.

Ripple is shit


maybe 1000 turkish lira, surprised a fuarking glorified meme json parser is worth anything

>120 partners

lmao is this a fucking vechain thread?

Partners != Revenue or adoption faggot

Stellar is going to tokenize every financial instrument in the world. You're at best gonna swindle a few banks to use XRP for a few seconds.

No third party development. Ripple is gonna get ass blasted by IBM at everything they've worked toward for years.

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Whats the current EOY prediction for LINK? Last I saw was $10000?

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>it jumped 2 cents after losing more than 3 dollars on the only expected hype news to ever come to this coin

>zoomer scum

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you dont seem to understand the circumstances

kek, this is not vechain scam, ripple partners are legit

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>tfw Stellar has IBM, Stripe, Tempo, Deloitte and now Visa, Citi, and NASDAQ.

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You don't understand the approach. Ripple is trying to build a large payment network with as much volume as possible. This allows them to get their software in the door and remove all technical and regulatory obstacles to settling those payments with XRP. Banks will be able to use XRP any time it is a penny cheaper than their other options. As volume through XRP grows, it becomes more liquid and can handle an ever increasing percentage of Ripplenet payments. Therefore more partners = more potential xRapid payments.

You should also know that no bank or corporation actually wants to tokenize anything on a public blockchain. 95% of IBM's potential customer base goes out the window the moment they require them to hold a cryptocurrency or use a public chain. IBM has fallen for the blockchain meme harder than anyone. It's unbelievable how many useless blockchain projects they're currently juggling.

yet they don't use the stellar token

Not with that scammer at the helm and that god awful logo

Never saw so much denial. I hope youre just trying to trick other people into thinking they are actually early adopters because if you think you are honestly an early adopter... Thats just sad

t. early 2017 buyer who has some friends who are actual early adopters (2013-2015). I die inside a little every day when im with them and see their lifestyle and think about what it could have been if i actually listened to them back then. Believe me, you are NOT a early adopter.

You realize that Ripple is a for-profit company? That limits them to services that they can make a buck on. Which they've bet on settlements ONLY. Ripple is not going to let IBM come in and use their shit to make products. Even if they did nobody would trust them.

Settlements are just one thing Stellar can do. Stellar can let anyone develop a settlement protocol. Whether it's IBM or anyome else. Stellar can also do ICOs, remittance, tokenized assets, payments and a dozen other things.

This is precisely why Jed left Ripple. Chris Larsen and Brad Garlichouse run it like a tech company from the 1990's (surprise AOL, Yahoo and e-loan). No one is developing on Ripple but sycophants. Their board is composed of neoliberal democrat political operatives. What talent they had has left. Their begging banks to use their services.

They're not even competitors anymore. Stellar hit 40% of Ripples market cap and it's going up and up every month.

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>using trips
>Muh scam Jed

You just called your own coin a scam faggot lmao

>You realize that Ripple is a for-profit company? That limits them to services that they can make a buck on. Which they've bet on settlements ONLY. Ripple is not going to let IBM come in and use their shit to make products. Even if they did nobody would trust them.

Totally irrelevant. They are investing in a huge number of other projects through xPring and the Blockchain Research Initiative. Of course other companies can (and will) develop on the XRP Ledger. Coil is a great example of that. Ripple is not the gatekeeper you seem to think they are. And you pulled that trust comment out of your ass. It's just convenient to say since you own XLM.

>Stellar can also do ICOs, remittance, tokenized assets, payments and a dozen other things.
Awesome. All of that can be done on the XRP Ledger as well. Maybe you forgot which coin was copy/pasted from which?

>blah blah blah more desperate XLM shilling
I honestly wish you luck. Jed is scummier than anyone in blockchain and you're completely at his mercy. I don't like seeing people lose their ass.

They. Are. Innovators. You. Absolutely. Daft. Cunt.

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>he thinks non ripple companies are ever going to develop anything using XLM
>he says ripple can do all those things yet they've done nothing
>attacks Jed as a scammer

Same old shit. You're getting a little pump after devastating losses because your board is friends with Bill Clinton and your little party is gonna start soon.

Meanwhile Stellar eats away at your market share everyday.

It's must be hard to accept the fact that you're basically invested in a idea that was ruined by incompetent people like Chris Larsen, Roger Ver and Brad Garlinghouse.

Im happy to put my money with silicon valley over some faggot Clinton operatives and mediocre administrators.


>XLM eats your market share

Not fucking today it didn’t lol. Fucking obsessed
>imagine feeling like you have to measure your dick in every xrp thread. >Imagine the pain of seeing it shrink.

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It hit $4 last year on stupid chink/korean rumors alone lol. Their business just keeps growing. Every day there is some new thing in the news about them. $5 is not only possible, but it's very likely that we're actually going to go past that.

>he thinks XRP is gonna maintain a 20% pump after Swell ends and nobody uses xRapid but some arabs

lol we mooning guys. I'm only down 95% now!

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Yeah dude i guess youre right! We are gonna be millionaires! My friends are gonna ne billionaires! And actual innovators like vitalik, joe lubin, craig right or roger ver are gonna be trillionaires! Makes sense!

>being this delusional

>Doesn’t understand actual established terminology of the very meme he is trying to push.

Lurk moar you larping newfag.

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Stay mad stellar faggot.

>wakey wakey hurrrr durrr

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The amount of shill articles I've seen in the past 2 days lead me to believe something suspicious is going on.

Anyways, folks, it's times like these to remember the ancient chinejeet proverb (recently made popular by white supremacist crypto YouTuber, DataDash): fast volume go up fast volume go down.

> then fast volume go up again
> we are here

Cripples can't even meme

>gets promoted to CTO
>couldn't be that after Jed left because he was too stupid
>Brad: we need a nerd king like Vitalik for street cred
>promotes a fatass cretin who spends all day on Twitter

The strategy of a shitty middle manager

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Congratz you won the prize for best bagholder's coping mechanism. Hope to see more from you next year when bitcoin is at $4000.

You do realize he was referring to overpopulation of a specific race of individuals?

Oh Ill be here you fucking turbokike. You won’t show your fucking face though, the reality will be too fucking staggering for you to swallow, and you will never be accountable. So I guess crawl under your rock, this is all meaningless bullshit anyway. My portfolio is set, and I’m pleased as fuck.

>calls someone turbokike
>CTO is literally the gib me your sheckels cartoon irl

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Because I don’t speculate on emotion or politics you retarded nigger sjw wop honkey Street shitter.

This is the best chance at a successful crypto with actual use/adoption...I’ll let you worry about the fucking looks (gay as fuck of you desu) of people involved in the creation of it.

You’re like a housewife with pink bunny slippers cursing at a mean charachyer on your afternoon stories...

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You all sound like you should give DataDash a watch. He puts the racism in cryptoracism. He's real subtle about it too but you'll notice that he snaps his finger at the beginning of each of his video to simulate a the sound of a whip. Don't believe me check it out yourself.

To save you the trouble.

bagholder detected

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Where do you buy your ripple

>A new platform created by Ripple’s former CTO is now integrated with YouTube and Twitch, allowing content creators to accept XRP.

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Nah m8 I’m happy with my stack. I traded my arse off to get it. You’re gonna be one sorry little sadsack...

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I feel like the sentiment is right for XRP to flip ETH...

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weak fud!

Is this true or just another meme?
I personally think something between 5 and 15$ in a few years

>Is this true or just another meme?

>Coil, a company that aims to give internet content creators new ways to monetize their work, is now in beta. So far, the company has integrated with YouTube and Twitch, allowing viewers to donate XRP to their favorite channels. Users can also utilize the platform to donate to Wikipedia and the Internet Archive.

Oh shit that's pretty rad

Easy 10 bucks eoy. Same as in 2017, Nobody will believe that a new ATH is possible. Boy, will there be a lot of pink wojacks....

Been holding since 0.07 and even I don't believe that to be the case. Cash out 1000 @ €2.20 for holidays last year. Holding 10k atm

>thinking decentralization is the answer
people who like decentralized cryptos are like stoners of the tech world. always coming up with fake research how good it is for you while your babies come out retarded and you're basically dependent on the government to even survive.

Ripple is the future of crypto

Agreed. The current realistic estimate is $589 EOY

Coil is designed to discourage adverts

You pay a monthly subscription to Coil and THEY pay XRP to the sites you browse

And they pay the XRP in real-time as you scroll the page

You stop scrolling the page, the real-time payments stop

Pretty incredible

Stellar is incompetent and not eating away at anything. They have to depend on the shittiest tech company in the world to pursue an idea that is DOA because they aren't capable of building anything themselves. Every idea they have, whether it's their coin's tech, cross border payment use case, or future additions to the protocol like lightning, privacy, or invariant checking, is a direct ripoff of things that have already been done with XRP.

The ONLY reason Stellar is relevant is because of the accomplishments of Ripple/XRP. They piggyback on every little pump and pretend to have original ideas, but it's the same old shit Ripple was doing in 2015.

>exceeding $0.50 again

>still calling an asset that's made people a lot of money "cripple"

just because you didn't invest and win it doesn't mean others were as stupid as you


millions of people wont like it

but millions of people don't like broccoli, but that doesn't matter to those who enjoy it

XRP investors, and there still aren't many of them in the grand scheme of things (5000XRP is top 100k holders), are going to have their decision to hold justified very soon

10 to 20K XRP to make it faggots ...

I cashed out 17310 xrp as soon as i saw this thread.

t. bag holder

>in profit
>still holding
>fuck you

I dropped XRP back in February but I've started DCA'ing a humble stack for this very reason.

The last bull-run was catalyzed by growth in BTC's value. hat's not to say every future bull-run will also have that same catalyst.. Everything is all so new and nascent, that we can't declare axioms like, "BTC is the only way"

xRapid going live, and the capital it will bring to the market, will be the defibrillator to this coming bull-run, and it is well in the realm of possibilities.

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>5 $
nice fud

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it's gonna moon and then they will unleash the other part of the pool and DUMP it on your heads like the secondcoming. Altcoins....*chipmunk*

>While the bank will start by using xCurrent, Birla hopes to ultimately help them begin working with Ripple's xRapid platform as well, he said.

>"With PNC, the idea is to get a few corridors lit up with xCurrent … When they're ready to start talking about emerging markets, we'll introduce them to xRapid. We're working to get them started with xCurrent so it's not a completely new feature to move to xRapid," he explained.


Less retarded than Linkies

weak hands will be shaken off before the launch

the inescapably funny thing about people who laugh in the face of innovation like Ripple and XRP is that they're always the kinds of people who laugh at anything they don't understand

>“All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

Let em be. They think link will make them rich...they’ll just have to find out the hard way

Stefan Thomas

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Follow Follow @justmoon
Replying to @Zack_Bennett @OzAlphaWolf and 4 others
Not much more to add. What I heard from the #xRapid product team at the time was that they offered both BTC and XRP but not a single customer chose BTC. Kinda makes sense - for the customer the only meaningful difference is that #XRP is faster and cheaper.