Anyone a lawyer? Redpill me on becoming a lawyer plz. I am currently a Construction engineer with an engineering background, making 70k out of college. I am thinking of specializing in construction law, and becoming a construction attorney for companies or starting my own in a few years. This is a small niche that is very lucrative, heard about lawyers making 400-700 an hour. I am great at public speaking, salesmanship in general, and autistic enough to figure out the logic/memorization skills required to get through a decent law school. I have the connections and social abilities too. Question is.. What is the absolute state of this industry? Heard lawyers can't find jobs, are in a lot of debt, and essentially waste time at school.
deserves a bump, I am also considering law school
Attorning is what a Satan is. One who twists.
The Law is about not making unlike things alike. This is all that attorneys are paid to do. Like making worthless paper like one's labour, or making one like many, exploiting the NPC who is of two minds with the word-product.
Then there is the BAR.
>British Accredidation Registry
Esquire is a title of foriegn nobility! The government of The United States does not issue titles of nobility. The 13th amendment originally excluded such racketeering insurrectionists from holding public office. The British Army burned down the White House over this. The crown runs the courts as a closed union shop, making THE UNITED STATES like The United States. Avoiding the appearance of impropriety is impossible, thus Attorneys are disbarred for questioning any of this on the record.
The UCC was never passed by Congress. It is merely printed. And the Attorney is needed to conceal the scam, under charter from the Vatican holding the whole world in trust.
Perverting The Law (of God) to worship the law of man is for the NPC.
**Paid to pervert
Hi Chainlink negates the necessity for most law positions, think which type of law you’d wanna do and be careful
Are you an amerifag? If yes, I would advise against it. The student loans alone will fuck you up. You will graduate into a sea of guys like you, you have to pass the bar exam and still find employment (they won't hire you unless you're from a good school or your parents hook you up). If you wanna go the bootstraps way, you will study and work like a slave for shit money. Keep this up for 10/15 years to finally start making money. You will probably hate yourself and the world before that though. If you can deal with all this bullshit and an insane amount of stress, do it. I can't in good conscience recommend this to other people though (I'm a lawyer).
Probably contract law in the case of my industry. How realistic is it that Chainlink will really do that though...
From all I can hear is the insane economy makes law barely a good degree. Its possible you could end up in a 75K a year job which is a downgrade for you after fees. You cannot name your job unless you go to Harvard or at least top 20.
I would say because you have so much experience and great bachelors you can definitely be a competitive applicant.
I'm currently pretty set and deeply engrained in a group at the largest commercial construction management company in California. I'm pretty sure if I became a lawyer, they would start paying me WAY more to have an in-house guy who knows our system but is an official lawyer.
Discuss it with them. See if they are open to sponsoring a pathway for you.
Very guuuud Advice. Thx
That’s like the main job they will steal. Gl
i am an engineer and lawyer and admitted. i would recomend law to anyone....that said i went to number 17 in the world law school. u cant function without being a lawyer in a system of laws. also u do get respect as a lawyer. that said i did law in australia.
ha ha no stop parroting. law is about talking on point on a specific issue to hopefully opposeing council in the context of the material facts and case law, legislation. then when you have disposed of that point you move to the next one.
I found out today that I passed another section of the CPA exam. Halfway there.
Architect here. Just start you're own enginerring practice. It will take a couple of years but as long as you perform you will make serious bank. Keep overhead low. Dont hire employees. Be selective with clients. Advertise to architects.
T. Doesn’t understand how contracts work in society beyond payments
What school?
amerifag or not, the correct order of doing things if you want to mix law with another specialization is 1st law school 2nd programming, engineering whatever. Basically youre too old by now to even consider taking it up. Stop watching Better call Saul would be my advice.
Law student here.
My best advice is go to YouTube and search for either 1L Torts, Contracts, civil procedure, etc.
Watch those, watch guides on how to outline, read the cases.
Apply the "rules" of law to whatever facts you have and - BOOM. It's just that easy.
Quimbee or Barbri are good places to start if you want to pay or use free trial. It's literally the exact same material whether you go to Harvard or
unsw Australia
when someone in the field is telling you to advertise to them, it means they are spending someone elses money and its probably in your best interest to take their advice