>be Brazilian
>get eaten alive by a Komodo dragon
Do Brazilians really do this?
Be Brazilian
Indonesia in 100 years
Srsly tho how will he digest all of that?
Would be easier to eat piece by piece.
they just digest for a long time
Sure but the monkey is almost his size, do they just hide so they can digest everything without getting killed?
At least we have the decency to make a soup
They pretty much get super sluggish and go hide somewhere dark and safe while they digest the food, much like snakes. Many reptiles are at their most vulnerable directly after a feeding specifically because of this.
It's make sopa or be in the sopa world
>be MUTT
>too fat and lazy
>jump out of a Window instead of taking the stairs
Do MUTTS really do this?
It's more efficient.
Too late
The jews got him
>There were a total of 56,101 murders in Brazil in 2017.
>almost twice as many macacos are murdered monthly in Brazil then were killed in 9/11
is he eating putin monkee
Brazilians ITT
Give me a brown gf with thick thighs and big bunda pls
Everyone in brazil is either black or whiteish, there is no brown girls
RIP Russian prez
Wrong, I fucked a brazilian whore and she was brown
guess again
I'm sorry sir but I think that's the president of Roosyia
Those fuckers are actually that big??
Miss this
I'll settle for a black one then