Every time I step outside my house is like I'm entering hell itself

Every time I step outside my house is like I'm entering hell itself.

This country sucks. The day I leave this brown hellhole will be the happiest day of my life.


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t. american at proxy

>Arthur de Goblineau
These things write themselves...

pelo menos tu não chamou de "vira-lata"

Prrrrrrrrraa Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta Prrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaa. Eto qui e Brasil agora porrrrrrraaaaa

I have smelled the poo river in Sao Paulo, stuck on the highway during rush hour. I began to question Brazil at that time

That reads like noir fiction

I've already read this a few weeks ago.
He's absolutely right.

Especially this part:
>Gobineau wrote about Brazil: "Everyone is ugly here, unbelievably ugly, like apes".

He visited Rio at the time.
I loathe this country but at least I don't live in Rio or nordeste where there's no Euro genes to be found. I don't care about politics but I hate those leftists who want to turn Europe into a shithole like Brazil.

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Yeah. It's a kind of dystopia


>my face
>my soul

I sat there, trapped in the heart of the stench. My host insisted on keeping the windows open. Air Conditioning is for gringos, and she was no gringo

I saw some very hot women during carnivale and in leblon :)

Anywhere that produces women with these proportions can't be all bad

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is brazil like max payne 3

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>Gobineau's writings were quickly praised by white supremacist, pro-slavery Americans like Josiah C. Nott and Henry Hotze, who translated his book into English but omitted around 1,000 pages of the original book, including those parts that negatively described Americans as a racially mixed population
Dios mio....

Yep I unironically member some american libruhls trying to defend us saying we don't need military tanks rolling in the favelas like that, that it's just a game. Turns out it's true, we DO actually need military intervention in the favelas every couple of years. It's not just a cool visual for a game it's real..

that is crazy brazil bro i thouht that was made up for the game. do you guys have something like a comando sombra? are the cops really that corrupt?

I don't know much about organized crime but I'm guessing it's based on this


Wtf I loved Brazil when I was there. The women there are nice as fug too, Joao. Even better when you know a little portuguese

Disgusting sexpat

pls don't come here

too late

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u mad?

I love banging teenage (legal) pussy.

eu também gosto de mentir

stay out

>"Mongrel complex" (Portuguese: complexo de vira-lata) is an expression used to refer to a collective inferiority complex felt by Brazilian people in comparison to Europe or the United States. The reference to a "mongrel" (as opposed to "pure-bred") carries negative connotations attributed to most Brazilians being racially mixed as well as a perception of lacking cultural refinement.

>“By "Mongrel Complex" I mean the inferiority in which Brazilians put themselves, voluntarily, in comparison to the rest of the world. Brazilians are the reverse Narcissus, who spit in their own image. Here is the truth: we can't find personal or historical pretexts for self-esteem.”

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Can you teach me to falar portuguese

don't feel bad bro

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It's like hell on Earth. Living in Brazil is the purgatory and I would never wish this upon my worst enemy.

come on you guys, ain't THAT bad.

Honestly, Sao Paulo and the south are as good as a mid tier European country.

Rio is a shit hole though, except if you live in the best neighbourhoods then it's a bit less shitty.

Sao Paulo seems comfy because of the japantown. Bet there are comfy manga shops there.

GRANDE são paulo é uma merda, você assiste a vida passar no trânsito que nem o burger ali acima falou.

>Gobineau wrote that Brazilians are "neither hard-working, active nor fertile"
>Gobineau reached the conclusion that all human life would cease in Brazil within the next 200 years under the grounds of "genetic degeneracy"


Not gonna lie that sounds true and like something that's actually gonna happen.

concordo, mas pensa o seguinte: imagina se vc assiste a vida passar no trânsito COM CHANCES DE SER ASSALTADO? huehueue

poderia ser pior, bem pior. As pessoas aí conseguem respeitar o espaço pessoal bem melhor que no RJ :)

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una vela

Drug war is a lie made for show and proffit, we sent the army, hey occupy it for some months then go away, the narcos come back so they have to invade it again.
Look how many times it happened and people still wipping for the drug war lie

Brazilian posters keep posting how the northeast is shit, i'am northeasterner and if their region is so superior to ours then brazil is at least a 2 world country.
Don't seems too bad for me desu

Não me diga que os sudestinos malvadões inventaram a sua taxa de homícidio.

A bosta dos bolsonaristas são contra legalizar, é sinal que eles são coniventes com gastar dinheiro púbico nisso tudo

>não me diga que blablabla
Nem sequer toquei no assunto fera.
A questão é que o nordeste passa longe de ser tão ruim como é descrito pelos seus não residentes aqui, assimo como o próprio Brasil em si não é tão ruim assim. Esse show parece mais feito para chamar atenção dos eurocopos e hamburgueres presentes

Tu acha isso normal seu calango subhumano?

Gobineau's writings were quickly praised by white supremacist, pro-slavery Americans like Josiah C. Nott and Henry Hotze, who translated his book into English but omitted around 1,000 pages of the original book, including those parts that negatively described Americans as a racially mixed population.

> his book into English but omitted around 1,000 pages of the original book, including those parts that negatively described Americans as a racially mixed population.

lol wtf

Não, não acho normal, caralho.
Para de colocar palavras na minha boca fazendeiro de uva, o nordeste é uma região violenta, o Brasil é um país violento, mas não é a porra de um RPG pos-apocalíptico. O Brasil como está sendo descrito aqui soa como o inferno na terra, eu não vejo a mesma coisa sendo feita por anões de outros paises piores que o nosso. Já viu algum anão Filipino fazendo um fio somente para falar que seu pais é uma bosta?

Eu não posso mudar as estatisticas sobre a minha região nem negar elas, mas em nenhum momento tranquei meu cu por ter que sair à rua durante a noite. O sul, especificamente o Paraná se não me engano, tem uma estatística visivel de violência doméstica que assim como as de violência no nordeste não podem ser negadas, mas não significa que toda mulher paranaense ja tenha levado uma facada do seu conjuge ou coisa pior, como alguns grupos feministas fazem parecer quando mencionam o problema.

Elogiar seu povo imoral e doentio não vai resolver teus problemas, cacete. Pára de passar pano pra lixo humano, como é que eles vão melhorar assim
É tão difícil não roubar e matar?

Já vi que estou falando com uma literal criança xenofóbica.
"Passando o pano" você realmente não sabe interpretar texto não é? Eu deveria parar de tentar dialogar com cérebros de amendoim do seu tipo, parece que o frio realmente faz tudo encolher.

Aparentemente chamar um potencial assassino do que ele é conta como xenofobia.

Vá te foder e aprender a ler como uma criança normal.

Eu vou estuprar suas teta vadia do carrlilho