Need help from Muslims

What are some islamic phrase I can say other than mashallah, Alluha Ackbar, bismallah?

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what do you want to say and why do you want to say it?


la illaha-il allah muhammadar rasulullah
syukran lazillan ya muallim/mualliammah (thank you in ayrab for male and female recipient respectively) if you wanna go full autismo

edgy stuff

all the stuff you said isn't edgy
mashallah - god has willed it
allahu akbar- god is the greatest
bismillah - in the name of god

OP here: I want for when I play Insurgency.
What does that mean?
Oh, so that's what that means.

you better learn arabic phonetics and arabic writting system if you want to speak in arabic, glottal stops are often ignored when romanicing the language and other weird stuff happens such as ignoring long vowels, etc.


allah yil3anak- (god dam you

allah yil3an abook (god dam your father

Allahy samsamhak (may allah forgive you)

sa nadbahahom We will slaughter them

alhamdullilah means all praise be to god say it when something good happens
say astaghfrulillah when someone sins or something
say allahu akbar or when something big happens or whenever really
say inshallah when talking about the future because nothing happens without allah's will
say bismillah before eating or before doing something holy
say mashallah to mean "good job" basically
say subhanallah when you're in awe of something like when you see a natural wonder

oh and say jazakkallah khair to mean thank you

what's your username? sandstorm or classic?

kos ummak


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ana manyouk

that means "Im an asshole"
t. went to school with ayraps

aллaх бaбaх нaхyй

Ooo пpecвятoй нaaш пидopaaac oooo

it means "I'm penetrated (anally)"

based. One syrians guy once made me say "ana khara" and everyonce laughed at me I have hated arabs since that day


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Dawlatul islam

My ummah, dawn has risen

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lā ʾilāha ʾillā llāh, muḥammadun rasūlu llāh

enta jameel :3

he made you say "I'm shit"
enta khara lolz

>Dawlatul islam Baqiya

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I know that is what was so humiliating about the entire thing

I'm sorry they did that to you. That was very rude and uncalled for. I'd hate if someone tried to make a fool out of me for a cheap laugh. Only my best friends are allowed to do that.

With that type of behaviour it is not suprising that syria fell into civil war