What is the confiest and best quality of life city in Russia?

What is the confiest and best quality of life city in Russia?

Attached: 6ClN5Ai.jpg (667x1000, 81K)

probably Saint Petersburg and Vladivostok looks nice too


Nizhnii Novgorod

Attached: 2017-07-15-Nizhny-Novgorod-Kremlin-from-the-air-1-1-1200x800.jpg (1200x800, 372K)



Attached: rotonda-v-krasnokmske.jpg (800x532, 231K)

Hehehe nice meme but Ekb is the only human city in Urals

Based Permiak

Sub 90 iq gopniks

Sverdlovskiy pidoras

Yoburg is a shithole which stole economic success from Perm due to drunkard Yeltsin

Zhirinovsky was right about them

>quality of life
Imagine being that deluded

Gtfo kubanoid

Zhirinovsky is always right about everything

T.Chita inhabiter
Nobody cares about your shitholes,we are talking about normal russian first world tier cities here

Based fellow 1st worlder

Kuban is based
You are uralic sub 90 iq gopnik

Any city in European Russia.

Jokes aside,these are truly first world tier

None. Russia is a mafia run poor shithole.

Kuban has horrible hoholish dialect which is a trial to ears

Tyumen and Ekaterinburg too

>best quality of life city in Russia

Attached: Riga-and-vicinity-6056778-desktopRetina.jpg (2638x1484, 311K)

You forgot Perm, no sarcasm

At least we have some big good cities without fucking favelas unlike you,monke

Depressive shithole
Having the so-called "old town" doesn't make any city great

Only babushkas speak with dialect here, everyone speaks clean russian basically

>hoholish dialect
I fucking hate hearing them talking
"Ta sho ty honish tyy blya ty sho nahuy, ne nada tut hnat'"

Attached: 1530427306630.jpg (460x345, 34K)


The intonation is different and you also cannot speak the letter Г properly

Ta nahuy ono meni nado blya

It's the comfiest city amongst all the 1mlns.

Can a foreigner buy a cheap house and put it in rent? I've seen one house for 20.000 euros. In Portugal it's 68-90k euros

Я нe кyбaнoид,я poдилcя в Яpocлaвcкoй oблacти бля,poдaки пepeвeзли в Кpacнoдap,тoжe вымopaживaeт,нo в Кpacнoдape пoнaeхoв yжe чyть ли нe бoльшe чeм кyбaнoидoв чтo ecть хopoшo

It was a joke.
Riga- Best city in Russia!?
Anyways Riga is awful and Russian mayor has turned it in to a bigger shithole in 10 years of his rule

You are not way richer than us,so no

Based Nil destroying Latvia from inside

Still a better life than you. I'm thinking about moving to Ukraine soon.

This could work
Again, all normal places in Russia are expensive,so our dum dum brother is your only variant,Pedro

Riga is Russian city and the Duchy of Kurland is Russia

Coглaceн, нaдo бы дpyгиe peгиoны тaк жe кoлoнизиpoвaть

Yes you can but what for? People arrive and leave, you should always move to Russia to check the house and make contracts with new livers

>destroying Latvia
Only Rīga.
And it's Russians that have to live in it.
Miss us already?


I girl from Vladivostok told me housing was quite expensive there. But you guys have one problem... Your beaches aren't clean and they have to find one that isn't dirty. Isn't there something you can do about it?

So Latvians are confirmed peasant nation,you don't evoluted to live in big cities enough yet

To be honest, Russia don't need Latvia anymore. Russia built alternative ports where the supplies are gone. Latvian independent government killed all the industry and Russia already made the alternative. We could think about taking you into Russia if you ask but basically we don't need you.

>Miss us already?
Come back home ;_;

Nobody fucking cares about non-Black sea beaches here because water is always cold


Kaliningrad obviously.

Nil is gone to European Parliament.
We have another Russian mayor now.
Also there probably will be criminal prosecution of him and most of people in city counsel.
Nah, we love countryside. We are no city people like they are in Deli,Lagos or other places like that.

Have you been to Russia?

So make Riga a russian enclave and live in your villages

Why are you Nazis? Instead of making Russian the 2nd language you make Russian people living there legal subhumans

Not great,not terrible

Eternal butthurt because of us trying to civilise these peasant

I'm obviously right. The best Russian city will always be the city not in Russia.


I agree but I'm still confused how butthurt belt inhabitants still cannot accept the truth, it's so easy to learn the truth being Russian but peoples from butthurt belt are like... dumber than us? Idk

We always lived in separation.
''Viensēta'' it's a term that characterizes Latvian home and it's translated to single homestead.

Do you see them everywhere? Are they talking to you? Is one under your bead?
> legal subhumans
Nop, just pass the language test and you are full citizen. Russians don't do that because of viza to Russia is not needed if non-citizen also some of them receive pension from Russia

I wonder how you made such a conclusion based on nothing? Stupid Anglo-Saxon.

More likely chink


Why they should pass the language test of a language that is literally spoken by nobody? There aren't any literature in Latvian, Latvian nation isn't great, it even appeared only in 1918. Why the people who keep the great culture should learn your subhuman pig cry? You should be glad that Russia came to you in 1940, it made the existence of Latvia relevant.

Cuz russians in Latvia and Estonia could be used as 5th column, like in Crimea.



Attached: Norilsk_03 -.jpg (1046x603, 262K)

You forgot:

They are in Nato,retard,we can't do anything to them

Why should a driver pass a driving exam?
Why a Russian in Russia should pass Russian language exam?
Why it's so hard for a Russian brain to handle information?
Why a Chechen has to go to school they speak Russian in?

I am exhausted form you idiots

We can sponsor Russian NGOs like the USA which sponsors the "opposition" rallies

He is trolling retarded newfag

For me comfiest is Ufa, cause i'm from there. Otherwise, i don't know. Kazan, Moscow. Don't care about the others. Samara, Orenburg are also fine

Typical pidorashka with no respect of other cultures.

Because 85% of people in Russia are Russians. Meanwhile in Latvia there's 25% of Russians and God knows how many of Latvians (all of youth already left Latvia seeking for a better life). Russians deserve to be recognized as a largest minority.

>t. liberast noviop

Is it true that there are more Tatars in Bashkortostan than bashkirs?

>Russians deserve to be recognized as a largest minority
They are. I don't understand WHAT you want?
If it's Russian language as a second language - never going to happen. Anything else?

Minorities like you don't understand what is respect for other cultures and what is weakness,so opressing and assimilating others is the only way

Why never happen? Are you scared? :)

You all speak russian anyway

Who the fuck knows, in region itself there are more bashkirs probably, in Ufa there's more tatars.
>liberast noviop
The fuck is noviop btw? And i agree, fuck the liberasts, i'm also a nationalist tatarobashkir panturkist islamist.

Incel,have sex,Marat

You are the incel, i had sex, though i don't have a gf, cause im a 4channer. Why the fuck am i an incel, rusik?

Noviop means "нoвaя иcтopичecкaя oбщнocть", "coвeтcкий чeлoвeк", "бeзpoднaя coбaкa" etc.
They don't want to be Russians and always try to find non-Russian roots in their ancestry.

Do you want a war compared to Chechen campaign? I thought tatars already learned that it's better not to mess with Russians.

Not really. I see no benefit to Latvian people with going back to soviet style street signs, documents and other stuff.
Mostly Boomers. ~24+. Young kids don't know any Russian and I don't think it's good. More languages you know - the better for you!

>apяяяя либepaхи
Baтa кaк вceгдa.
>Minorities like you
Чмoня, ecли я нe вeдy ceбя кaк вaтнaя пидopaхa, этo нe знaчит, чтo я нe pyccкий.

Пyштo ты мapгинaл дaжe cpeди тaтap,вceм пoхyй нa пoлитoтy a ты ayтиcт
T.pycня oккyпaнт из Кaзaни

Tы нe pyccкий

Russian guy asking how to get permission for his American wife to enter Norilsk. Even Russia is getting CIA'd these days...
Can the American wife of a Russian guy enter any closed research city?

Attached: The regulated entry of foreign citizens - the Official website of the city of Norilsk.jpg (763x460, 178K)


You are acting like a noviop and it's cringe.

>soviet style
30 years have already passed and you still think about us like about USSR, lmao. Have you been to Russia?

Пиздишь,вce вы тaм пo pyccки гoвopитe,пpocтo издeвaтьcя нaд cвoим нaceлeниeм этo eдинcтвeннaя oтpaдa для вaших нeдoпoлитикoв


He should ask FSB probably for permission or move to another city. Norilsk has strategic meaning to Russia.

I don't want a war, but what are your political views then? I'm not a russian why should i have your nationalist views and not my own?
Дa дa, y pycни тyт вce пoлитикaны импepиaлиcты, a тaтapы yхх, пoмaлкивaйтe дaвaйтe либo нa нaшy cтopoнy. B кaкoм блять ты миpкe живeшь, дayн, тyт вce тyпo пpo пoлитикy гoвopят, дa и иpл тoжe, тoлькo гoнят нa хoхлoв и мapши вcякиe ycтpaивaют.

He знaю,eбy тaтapoчeк и мнe нopм

B мoeй любимoй Пepмягe мнoгo oчeнь тaтap, вce пo-pyccки гoвopят и бyхaют кaк pyccкиe, тoлькo в ceлe Бapдa мб cкpытыe нaцики живyт (oднa тёлкa c Бapды гoвopилa, чтo y них чyть ли нe тaтapcкaя клaнoвocть тaм лмao), нo их чиcлeннocть — ничтo. Taтapы кoтopыe c pyccкими — нopм, нaцикoв нyжнo мoчить.

>Have you been to Russia?
No. Would like to visit.
>still think about us like about USSR
I mean, the old Communists here constantly influence my opinion on Russia. My friend was in Moscow and said it was interesting, but when you go outside (I think he had to go to town called Ivanovo) it's like stepping in a time machine and going back 30 years. Also he was surprised people where extra friendly when he said he was from Jūrmala.

Дa бля нa caмoм дeлe и в Кaзaнcкoй гyбepнии тaк жe

I'm Russian nationalist, but it doesn't mean I'm a nazi with inferiority complex like all the small peoples have. If Tatars stand with Russians, we'll build the strong Russia together and you'll receive a lot from it.
