How do i stop thinking about embarrassing moments ?

I can't stop thinking about the embarrassing shit I say and do?

I keep reliving the embarrassing moments in my head

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Just wait a few years.

Suicide. At least this is what I'm planning to do.

Thanks a lot, you made me remember my embarrassing moments you stupid Dutchman.

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god i hate this shit

every time i think of a truly embarrassing moment i do an involuntary groan of shame. i can't control it

Technically that's the first and forever persisting phase of mental disorder or depression in short

>In math class
>Girl next to me smiles at me and ask if I need help
>"haha its ok I'm not retarded"
>Never spoke to me again

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>Be in middle school
>Don't have tampons or pads
>Period starts one day at school
>Sit stationary in desk for entire 45 minutes
>Bell rings for the next class
>Stand up
>Entire seat is covered in blood that seeped through my pants
>Blood drips on the floor as I walk
>Pretend I am oblivious to it

>5th grade had to run to the bathroom and thought I wouldnt make it so I unzipped and started pissing while running towards the urinal to see if the stream would reach, it did but most of it missed or just splashed back, wetting my pants anyways and messing up the floor
no one ever brought this up after a week but I dont think anyone forgot
>8th grade made a joke about a school shooting (not really edgy, but just mentioned a gun and a school or something) and the teacher snapped on me and yelled at me for six minutes straight in front of the whole class and then called my parents
I was just silent the whole time, not even smug or crying just frozen
>move to different state in grade 11, girl in my english class clearly likes me and wants to get to know my but I act all weird, edgy and random even though I'm not normally like that
she gave up and stopped talking to me
>could have been popular or at least normal when i entered a new school but i made myself become the outcast
will never forgive myself for this
>invited by coworker to a party and I thought he handed me a cigarette so I just took one puff, said no thanks because it felt/smelled weird, and put it out with my foot
it was a blunt and I was supposed to pass it on

these are the first that came to my head but I can assure you I have at least 10x more cringe moments as bad as these

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It's comforting to know that you are probably the only one who remembers that embarrassing moment because normalgroids have the memory of goldfish.

literally nobody but you remembers that shit, think about it, do you remember embarassing moments from other people?

Is this an awkward stories thread now?
>In my high school's library
>Cute girl in front of me reading manga
>Get really excited
>Take out phone to take creep shot
>Flash is on
She never complained about it to the principle but I still remember the look in her eyes to this day, couldn't sleep for a week straight after it happened

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like they say
and empty mind is the devil's workshop
get busy
there's shit to be done

Delete this thread.

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user are you autistic

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>My laptop breaks
>I am a dumb teenager and don't know about deleting browser history
>Every time I open a certain browser it opens up on the page I left off last time
>Cousin's boyfriend is a computer helper
>He agrees to fix my laptop
>When he gives it back to me, my mom and brothers are around in the living room
>"By the way, user was watching gay porn. Gay Russian porn!"
>I just yell "No I didn't!!!" and run upstairs with my laptop

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By the way jannies this is a story from many years in the past obviously. I am not underage anymore.

Desensitise yourself, force yourself into situations you dont like. Often. At least to me it was because I was shy and withdrawn and didnt normalise fucking up or good stuff to replace bad memories.
I was bullied and that led to me not wanting to go to the City Center because I did not potentially want to meet anyone from school and getting sweaty hands when in such places. Probably still wonky, but it is way better than before. Next hurdle, whamen.
>Tfw no gf.

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>invited by coworker to a party and I thought he handed me a cigarette so I just took one puff, said no thanks because it felt/smelled weird, and put it out with my foot
>it was a blunt and I was supposed to pass it on
that's kinda based honestly

I to some tummo breathing meditation. It's like a reset of your mind and body. It is basically filling your body with oxygen with rapid breathing before breathing it all out, then you hold your breath while the excess oxygen goes out. I do this until i choke, for about 2-3 min, and then i take a deep breath of fresh air. It's like you revitalize everything, and you stop thinking, only pure focus. It even works if you are very drunk and foggy, do this and you will be focused and not foggy for the rest of the night.

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