Any Georgian user online?
Any Georgian user online?
Aaron Taylor
Nathaniel Taylor
You are not cute.
Jace Parker
you sure bro
Liam Reed
I'm a half georgian bvll
Zachary Sanchez
staying in this thread in hopes georgians start talking georgian
Sebastian Reyes
wait you're not Jewish?
Landon Williams
My mom is a converted so technically I am, but she doesn't identify as one and I don't consider her jewish
Christian Jackson
How popular is Weightlifting there? The olympic kind.
Daniel Brown
rustaveli metro station is full of UK/georgia ads funded by British council
"football is great" and a picture of female players
"Art is great" and a picture of male ballet dancer
thank you nigel
Ethan Stewart
Actually there’s like a 95% chance he is. Georgians are beautiful people.