/cp/ - Culture Pals

When you meet the family from your foreign qt in her country edition

Welcome to Culture Pals. Here autistic sperg losers used to meet equally autistic thots from developing nations like Russia (BASED) , China (yawn) and India (loos) for relationships so autistic even wouldn't bother with them.
Seriously this thing/person is more of a female dog than debugging pointers in C using vim with no scripts. Want to discuss argentina? Want to discuss philosophy with an overweight Brazilian who got 0 onwww.freesites.gratisiqteste.com.br? Want to get dropped by turks with English so atrocious they make toddlers seem fluent? Want to be given the basic gestalt on boobs and soy by the resident mammary expert titman? Want to talk with/share qts with the Taliban?
Want to banter koreaboos?

Sign up at:

Website with pastas and scripts:

Mega with the memes all the cool kids use:

qtcrawler script:
pastebin.com/h5A30AW7(embed) (embed) (embed)


Attached: un forastero.jpg (2000x1600, 806K)

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Detras de tí imbecil!

Hello! Are any French anons open to chatting?

There needs to be a book on paraguayan slang because I can no longer differentiate between guaraní and slang

Attached: 1460016039915.jpg (378x378, 83K)

>girl is saying she'll put her plans on hold if I decide to visit her
this is a very good sign right?

What country?

western europe


That's good I guess, it means that she cares about you, she is probably very excited to see you in real life and spend more time with you without her plans bothering and consuming you and her time during your visit in her country.

Do you want to meet your qt's family?