The age of the Emu is over. The age of the Magpie has begun

The age of the Emu is over. The age of the Magpie has begun.

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Attached: Anglo_scum.jpg (556x551, 28K)

do they REALLY....

>prime swooping season
Spider season, swooping season, is there a season that doesn't try to kill Australians?

>be australian
>get swooped

Australia is a phenomena which needs to be researched more thoroughly.
Highest concentration of dangerous flora and fauna.

Rats became anabolic kicking monsters, even magpies turn into aggressive monster birds with bloody eyes.

Attached: qiev6.jpg (1500x1005, 437K)

Don't forget the wars against cats and rabbits.

I would stop my bike and punch that bird in the face

>67yr cyclist
based bird keeping the road clean