What even are Basques?
What even are Basques?
Celtoids with pink nipples and anuses.
no idea
The last neolithic non Indo-Europeans
what are basque women like?
My ancestors :)
An unfinished job
Why do Mexicans have extremely brown nipples, pussies and assholes?
>R1b yet non indo-european language
????? any haploautist can explain?
Ugly as sin
My nipples are dark but my pussy, anus and glans are pink.
Unironically from Atlantis.
Too much sun
You are not a woman, Rodriguez.
Nice try fernando
the whitest people in spain
they were cucked
You’re not cute
Genetically and linguistically isolated leftovers from Atlantis. The sound of Spanish comes directly from the original Basques just like French's sound comes from the original Gaulish inhabitants.
The Mexican chicks I've been with have cinnamon colored nipples and pussies.
Why do you say Atlantis?
>Cinnamon colored nipples
Now thats a very eye appealing colour, may I say to the level of pink nipples.
>He doesnt know
Most of them have brown eyes and hair tho
they're deluxe portugese
please souce on that crazy-eyed girl
The most based Spaniards
they have more light eyes and probably more light hair than the rest of spain and even the ones that have dark eyes and/or dark hair still look white unlike spaniards