sunday night edition
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexxico
Anarchism with all its forms is the worst and cringiest ideology. It's will always be crushed by superior ideologies like state communism, fascism, liberalism...
>impying you can't make glasses without nukes and trannies mech-suits.
>superior ideologies like state communism, fascism
Is this thread about T I G E R S?
*in mech-suits
>there are dangerous animals living within his vicinity
tired, taking a forever sleep
why yes i do want to move to canada so that i can reconnect with my loyalist anglican heritage
How is Sweden bro? Will any of it be saved?
I am a Marxist-Luxemburgist
>why yes i do want to move to canada so that i can reconnect with my loyalist anglican heritage
Most leafs aren't anglican also the anglican church is a joke created by a perverted fat English king because of a fucking divorce.
yeah i'm thinking you're cringe
Seriously how can yoy be an anglican. Like doesn't the creation of your church seem like a joke to you
The Episcopal Church is chill
How can someone be a Christcuck at all?
Leaving my faggy nonprofit job this week and starting to working.
all churches have cringy origins
What job was it and what are you going to be doing now?
well i am in a transitional state so how high should i get?
Don't talk about stuff you obviously don't know.
It's extremely homosexual, a fully pozzed church. A disgrace to its own heritage.
none of your fucking business
can australians post here? Does it snow in canada every season?
t. butthurt traditional Catholic
Wow I was trying to be friendly and make conversation. Holy shit you fucking asshole.
Does it snow there at all?
is your resume put together correctly? i know that might sound silly but ive seen some trainwrecks irl
was raised catholic but became an atheist at age 14
wots the good word, Bruce?
Some places.Like snowy mountains. But It's normal to never see snow. In fact i know people who have Never seen snow before.
>dude let's all follow this guy because he says god relays messages through him, plus he'll lets us keep all our festive pagan traditions in exchange for tithes
>dude let's split the church in half because the other half is using the wrong type of ceremonial bread
>dude let's start a religious war that devastates Europe because the peasants aren't allowed to own a bible they can neither afford nor read
I would go crazy. White people need snow to stay sane. I think this is part of what is wrong with the Southern US.
Shit's fucked. Spiders are coming out. I check the corners of walls erryday now.
this X1000
crikey, your spiders always look like nightmare fuel
>when you see a tarantula on the outside of your window.
Are zoomers' social skills deteriorating? It seems like people under 20-30ish are more withdrawn from casual talk and are on their phones a lot.
i might get a finger tattoo someday desu
>not wanting to make small-talk with the boomers that single handedly destroyed their world
No, seems pretty normal to me.
Yes. Low trust society so people stop going outside. Plus technology means you don't have to go outside to entertain yourself.
i don't have one. i have literally nothing to put on it
Wtf is wrong with Mexicans?
Yes and that's a good thing. Levels the playing field for the real autists like us
>everything bad in the world is because of boomers
give it a rest man
you went to school didn't you?
im not bruce
What's your political ideology
how is that relevant?
reconsider that faggy shit next time queer
I want to judge your poor knowledge in Christianity history and overuse of cringy memes
t. Texan
i flunked out of high school
why do leafs, burgers and tacos share a general?
try judging your grammar first bud
They are the various countries of North America
because of cum
with completely different cultures
Canadians are americans in denial
Not for long. D:
Not anymore. The Plan is already in motion.
I tried to do things with another man today and apparently I'm not actually gay. Huh.
I bet you have shitposted about america having too much mexicans before
FUCK central america
Congrats. I mean this unironically. Faggots are insufferable.
When people say America they mean white america. The average australian has no idea that there are any mexicans in usa
The sailors say, "BRANDYYYYY, you're a fine girl"
"What a good wife you would be" (such a fine girl)
"Yeah, your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea"
>criticizes grammar
i want a drew gooden in my life
does intelligent life exist outside of north america?
I'm a borderline zoomer myself
what does /cum/ think of this article?
what should be done to people who do this?
based on my experiences, no
me? yeah im a citizen of EARTH
i dont believe in borders
>I don't understand how bell-curves work
>I dont recognize a year old meme
youre the bell
and heres the curve going right over your head
I'm a nationalist but I believe it's essential that different nations learn to understand each other, and if not to cooperate then at least to live in mutual respect.
>I live on Jow Forums
Not exactly. Granted our higher culture is different, but our populations have similar mindsets, if only I wish mexicans held education in higher regards.
maybe reddit's more your speed, kiddo
Yes, how could you tell?
You should be congratulating him about learning something about himself, not about not being gay
Show them this article.
lol nobody likes mexicans
i really don't know what I'd do in your shoes. maybe offer to work for free for 2-4 weeks to prove that you're not a shit hire (in lieu of a work history). That might not be legal though (once again, regulation designed to help the poor fucks you over).
thinking of maybe moving to Salem, Oregon
this wont win you brownie points
High school educated
Never employed
Very poor social skills
My resume