meme edition
/v4/ + friends
>+ friends
>+ friends
I should be teaching right now!
I am not.
Zdravím, bratři
I wish I was Polish
I don't know what this thread is about. just give me (You)s
Brits Out!
why are so many gypsies so fucking short?
Today I saw a gypsy, probably in early 20s, and he was like 150cm
why are they so tiny?
Incest degeneration
lack of nutrients
God I wish I were dead.
imagine how fucking terrible life must be as a 150cm construction worker gypsy
Like they ever worked
He probably still has more friends than I do.
Where the fuck do I buy a fucking umbrella in this God forsaken country?
Thanks doc
There's one where I am but it's faraway, I should check other options.
There's something called like that here but it doesn't seem like they sell umbrellas.
Thanks for the help anyway, worse case scenario I can get an umbrella after walking a lot.
Hello friends here
bought a toy
is it for adults only
opinions on these trousers?
thanks doc
get a skirt and pantyhose
Manolo manolo bring me the pomodolo
you're no help
They are in for the arthoe style, I like them.
What? Why?
Why not
what is it UwU
dafuq I have unanswered phone call from number with +672 which is some norfolk island
Definitely call back
You pepiks really love Krtek, I see him everywhere.
Der Coomer
the boomer sitting opposite of me eats like 2 packs of hard candy every day
All I hear is fucking crunching noise all day
when I told him to stop he said mind your own business
is this worth going to HR for?
Are you autistic?
Oh great, the newest flavor of the month meme wojak
mind your own fucking business zoomer shit
good calculator how much calories I must eat?
checked two, one shows 2200kcal to maintain weight the other 1600 wtf
Most probably one gave you the calorie consumption when you do nothing at all and another took into account your activity level.
Just eat over 3k
try Cronometer. counting calories without the context is dumb.
gotta stock up on creatine
5th day with no gf ;_;
a lil bit more and gonna see what she has to tell
>Still calling her "gf" at this point
>a lil bit more and gonna see what she has to tell
She will tell you about her new bf's massive donger.
like yours did?
Do you at least know where she is?
What do you mean? She's at home. At work now.
I doubt you have a gf anymore
Stop projecting.
I'm not the whose gf got fucked air tight by GREEK BVLLS
Helped an old lady with her heavy bag up some heavy steps. She was appreciative but seemed confused.
You guys don't help the babushkas? Shame on Slovensko
one of them once took me hostage to help her cross the street
Neither am I, you stupid monkey.
She was probably confused because you are an Irishman
Why would I help them? If they were 50 - 60 years younger they'd treat me like shit and loathe me because of my inferior genes.
>irishman stumbles out of the pub after his 3rd consecutive pub crawl
>wanders the streets of bratislava in drunken stupor
>sees an old, small lady carrying a heavy bag up the stairs
>jogs over to her
>the frail old lady is considers whether to call the police or run away
>the irishman carries her bag up to the top floor and then wanders away
>old lady lived on the first floor
I think a lot of women would be willing to help you lift something up some steps even if they didn't want to have sex with you.
The elderly are truly something else here. They really dgaf. Bubushkas move for no one, just step into traffic and everyone stops for them. There are a lot less old men I've noticed, but the ones I do see walk around with their big belly hanging out with a big Billa bag full of cans of beer. Looks like a comfy environment.
The large groups of men taking naps together are also very interesting. Are they on heroin or just drunk? I see a group of 7 guys sir together on some benches and I walk passed an hour later and they're all passed out asleep.
I've never seen anything like that before in my life.
I'm sorry for ruining your general.
i luv her so much
It's ok, it was always ruined
Why do you reply to each other without quoting
its comfy
Because they're retarded autistic mongs. I told them like a hundred times to reply to each other normally instead of checking the thread all the time to see if someone responded.
lose weight
Kill yourself.
You don't check the thread automatically if you see that somebody posted?
lose weight
How to cope without alcohol?
Drink pussy juice
How do I acquire such a juice?
Piss yourself
Fug wanted to show you my toy but I cant post images.
Post it on imgur, then post a link. Is that an adult toy?
It took 19 to Franz Joseph to realise that he can't govern Hungary without respecting the Hungarian way of life.
It took the Soviets 11 years to realise the same.
It took Merkel 9 years to realise the same.
Are Indo-Niggers getting more clever?
Photos came out badly because of lightning
You can admire my new toy.
Don't be shy.