
effy edition mk ii

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plain jane

shes so fucking fit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

doing a poo

willer's acting up again

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wouldn't say no to a jewish gf

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*blocks your path*

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lol shes got her bum out


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looks like a boy here

may buy a £175 comforter


love boys

aye the most fit boy there is in that case


*checks post times*

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what's one of them?

love high boots

aye thats what they called it on the site
though i'm having sexond thoughts since the 'dit wasn't all positive on it



> had dreams earlier that weren't lucid where I could literally control them but was aware I was dreaming and it was all bullshit and was even saying it to the people I was interacting with and they were just nodding in agreement

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I'm tripping off nut but have to go to buy some cigs

ffs i can't find a single duvet that stays cool at night
keep waking up sweating

She wants me to finish on her lower back.

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just use two sheets

lose weight or switch to sleeping on top of a duvet and under just a duvet cover instead

or both

Mad how expensive they are, can easily spend a ton or more on a bed set.

the price of mattresses is the most pressing injustice in modern society

thats what i do now
im quite slim
cant sleep with nothing covering me
isn't a duvet cover just like a sheet
yeh ironically often with this sort of thing i find quite often that some cheap optino online ends up being th ebest

>blotchy thigh skin
big red flag

why aren't the top minds trying to solve anti-sagging chebs


Ots the filter


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did you feel bad for cassie or no

i think thats just the image quality

>isn't a duvet cover just like a sheet
Yes, but softer fabric. Wicks the sweat away to keep you cool without being too heavy

instagram shills are here

cheers x

who wouldnt

definitely hard done by sid's autism early on
but she didnt do much to help herself

just got shin ramyun noodle soup in my eye after a particularly rambunctious slurp

Just had a coom as the zoomers would say

Gotta have at least 2 as well so you can swap them over while you wash one. I wonder (((Who))) is behind this.

I enjoyed this post lad

she had shit parents and lives in a world where people rate michelle(?)

*disses your fly girl*

wear some goggles lad.

>he doesn’t have soup goggles

there are 2 types of people in the world; the sex-haves and the sex-nots

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dont buy into that lad
just do the wash and stick them back on innit
michelle had a munted face but she had a nice body, particularly her legs

so true

>just do the wash and stick them back on innit
Haven't got a tumble dryer so that'd mean doing it first thing in the morning, hanging it outside and hoping it's dry for the evening.

im a virgin but i got fucked by society

Do you guys shave your balls

its honestly insane how the diet monster energy drinks only have 8 calories each
usually have 3-4 a day minimum but they don't put a dent in the old tdee

alri jokester

wish i could dance or at least dance without a care

give them a bit of a trim every now and then innit
do you know how to perform cunnilingus?

gandalf's beard situation before I started

I don't shave anything that isn't on my head or neck area.

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Yeah it’s all just chemicals

Get on the beers
Works for me if I'm out

really like this film

can't imagine the state of energy drink addicts 10 years down the line

dog looks fucked g

Use the clippers to keep the whole area kempt. I never go full down to the skin with a razor.

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dancing away the tears

you see that thing where that one blokes tongue eroded?

can't remember the last time I watched professional porn

i have barely any body hair even though my test levels are normal and my father is very hairy.
wonder what went wrong with me

you can call me mad twatter
or twat for short

your mum's genes then

Where did all the yanks go?

she only wears dresses

fuck sakes lad thinking test = body hair is very black and white thinking

imagining this

Anyone else absolutely can't stand schizophrenics? I mean I understand they're mentally unwell but it makes my blood fucking boil how they cling so stubbornly to their delusions

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You get your hair from your mums side. I've got a hairy chest but my dad doesn't lucky too because my dad is completely bald.

might join the freemasons, always thought they were based

i don't think it does i was just heading that off before someone accused me of it

greetings my antipodean brothers

another fine day of early retirement and being racist

Heard they control the world

yeah sent an message of interest once, their reply is pretty ominous

met a 26 yo today who has no job and literally lives at his mum's house and does nothing but badly play the guitar all day and get sloshed with her money
most people by that time have a stable relationship, a nice car, a mortgage, 1-2 college degrees, and a rewarding career
must be so grim to not have any ambition to get ahead of the pack in life

need them all locked up in mental asylums like in the 50s
community placement has utterly failed as a viable treatment option, they need to be institutionalised with all the other spastics you see wandering around bus stations and methodone clinics

Would bring back the asylums 2bh and stick schizos, disabled , autists etc in them like we used to.

Imagine if your nose were that white stool. I bet you'd be smelling some interesting smells. I wonder if she wearing panties? I bet her bare pussylips are pressed on that stool.

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freemasonry is for middling losers with delusions of grandeur
actual successful influential people don't need secret societies because they all know each other anyway

*raises paw*

>most people by that time have a stable relationship, a nice car, a mortgage, 1-2 college degrees, and a rewarding career


wish i had a real mental illness instead of all these fake ones