Are you actually proud of your race?
Are you actually proud of your race?
not really
i am very pale but there is a little bit of native american in my blood
i think i'd look better if i wasn't mixed
of its achievements? yup. I don't used at as an excuse though to prop myself up though. It's retarded.
I'm mixed and I like how I am but I'm not sure how can someone be proud for something you can't control, it's like being proud for being born with one parasite twin.
Agree, you should had gone full indian.
Like the majority of latinamericans I am a mutt, I am not ashamed of it, but it is not a race nor an ethnicity, I am proud of my country and its culture, and completely against the million wrong things it has, I have self criticism to the land I love with my life
disgusting, no
>proud of your race
Nah, I am proud of myself!
Get out
Proud white man