Japanese ultra-nationalist vs Antifa now

thought ?

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Are you willing to post a zoomed-in picture of the Zaitokukai? I find it amusing that >80% are disgustingly ugly or fat.

Hey Chink!

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Antifa is in Japan? Sorry about that, bros

Nationalists: yayoi cuck
Antifa: korean
People should pour salin there

I don't care

based antifa

What is Antifa like in Denmark?

Which side has the cuter girls?

l'm on antifa side ^._.^

t. ugly BBA

The antifa, just zoom in, the anti koreans are all old men

this (●・`∩・)
they are just ugly as sin (* ̄ー ̄)

Is this terrible middle aged woman you?
and this thread is off topic

Attached: antifa in Japan.png (610x366, 655K)

Is this terrible middle aged man you? (҂˘̀^˘́)ง
and this thread is off topic ( ・´ー・`)

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I support the nationalist part

Based women
Disgusting incel manlet

pic related. speak English

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