White People

>my co-worker's dog dies
>she took a week off of work to "mourn" her dog's death
>She gets fired and is extremely butthurt

Seriously what? People these days are too fucking soft

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Wouldn't you be sad if your lover died?

I dont know about that wh*Teys have no soul they think losing a loved one (Human) is less than losing a retarded animal.

>mourning a fucking dog's death
What's wrong with Americans?

Wh*Te """"people"""" also have sex with animals.

its worse on reddit

they barely value human life but literally worship animal gifs and such using terms like "doggo" and shit


You are whiter than most euros , don't act leafe


It is only endemic to you Anglos. You are all fucked in the head.

A single dog is worth more than the African continent.

Imagine hating dogs just for the sake of being a contrarian incel.

Wh*te women

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The African continent is worth more than you're brithole

Taking a week off is just ridiculous but if she had the free days and got permission I don't see why she should be fired for it.

Then why did you colonize Africa , answer me you dog

Choke on a,knot, wh*toid

I know its fucked.
They think losing a retarded dog is just as worse as losing a mother or son. Holy shit when I lost my mom from cancer a literal wh*Toid tried to relate to me with her losing her dog.
Annoying cringe people.


I wouldn't give any more of a shit about other animals either. You're supposed to empathize with and care for your fellow humans first and foremost.

We should just eat dogs to piss them off kek

Goddamn this is nuts

I never mentioned hating people. You're just a salty incel. Imagine if your mother saw you posting about killing dogs and woman fucking animals. Embarrassing desu.

Where did I say that?

And a single African has more worth than all the whites people together if we go by what that whites value the most

I doubt European Whites are any different

>empathize for food

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They are not different, European culture and American culture are the exact same now thanks to globalism, specially in the zoomers