Question for Thailand anons.
why people seem to have that much love and respect for Thailand king? what did he do?
is it real or is it all fake to avoid being arrested or killed?
Question for Thailand anons
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I'm thaifag, btw
Its a symbol of our cultural heritage
an ancient nation and royal tradition that has survived attempts of European colonialism
fun fact: thailand has the last official Hindu style Maharaja
> last official Hindu style Maharaja
I've no idea what it is.
I see your point, but that doesn't stand if he is some totalitarian motherfucker, yet people seem to love him. so he does nice things for people?
the king in spain is hated by all the left and is mostly a money waste
Spesk for yourself, dumb communist c*talan
That's the basis of almost all Asian cultures: shut up and suck your superiors' dick without complaining.
thailand is one of the most liberal countries in the region, not a full democracy but still better than countries in the region in that aspect
hierarchy is necessary for civilitzation to success, being an anarchic tribal chimp will not help you country, Mauricio
This guy gets it.