/dixie/ Southern US & Friends

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dont know why conway gets so pissy when i mention that homoes deserve the death penalty?
get a angry at god not me, will you

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__ ______ ____ ___ ____

HATE indians(feather)
goddamn the tribal governments are worse than the mafia

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have you ever had sex

where the fuck are the yanks

the deadest general in the whole south

im not married

you're a virgin?


is water wet, flaglet?

did jesus die a virgin

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absolutely, he was the perfect man, a role model for everyone

but how you can be so sure

because he was not married to anyone

you can have sex without being married

you can fuck a goat if you want

if there was a proof that jesus fucked a goat, what would you think?

Me in both pics

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i think you're being heretical

no I mean seriously
if there was a 100% positive proof that jesus at one point of his life willingly fucked a goat, what would it do to christianity?


come on finn

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I have mint tea

its ok, just tastes like toothpaste

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my cum tastes minty

did the southern US get nuked or something
why is no one posting

It's good for you.










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you are not allowed to leave

sad about the world lads

dont be sad its always been this bad

It's been much worse in fact.

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

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Good ole Billy Joel

I used to know that whole song by heart

There was some autist at my high school that would always sing that song.

did he have a funny accent?

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it was you wasn't it

Yeah, he was pretty severely autistic and had a strange accent


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>boomer writes song about being a boomer
why do they do this so much

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oi how many stone is that then lad?

You are funny guy. Keep funnying

there are way more black women that are into white guys than I thought there were
some pretty ghetto ones too

why would you date a black woman
isn't that against the constitution

dont procreate with other races

yes it is

need to acquire a new belt strap

I bet france has a bunch of qt black chicks

when the founding fathers wrote the second amendment they didnt take into account black people

i wouldnt know theres not a lot here

>he didn't read the fine print

>the fuck did he say about our wimmin, DeMarcus? put on the Check-o-slovack proxy an tell him it's against the constitution or some shit, I don't fuckin know.

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any hackermans in here
how do I unpack .ape file into individual sound files

Good day you inbred Southern Faggots. How are you all today?

try apeescape.exe

use foobar and convert to flac or whatever you want

MusicBee >>>> Poobar

Every french movie has led me to believe that french women are the kind that will cut you with a knife in a fit of rage for smiling at your waitress when out for dinner.

that's pretty hot

>tfw no gf

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oh fuck I gotta download those french comedies with Louis de Funès

Come to Colorado fren :)

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two cummers in a row?

And dround your kids in the bath tub.

>yank has the audacity to respond to me

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Guess you'll never get a gf then :^)

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I'll be your gf ;)

>Life advice from a yank.


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tfw no injun gf

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you shall find me in the sleeping quarters

don't let the bedgypsies bite

obligatory grandpas in pajamas post

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the meme about most of them preferring white men over black men has never been a meme