Whats /biz's/ preference? zcash vs monero?

whats /biz's/ preference? zcash vs monero?

50/50 or just roll the dice on one or the other?

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I decided to buy 1xmr a month and see what happens

One of them is an easily traceable shitcoin, and the other is monero. Easy choice.

Zcash has no anonymity set. It's like putting your coins in an empty black box and taking them out minus fees.

Honestly not even a fair comparison. One is an actual anonymous coin, and one has a feature that lets some people make pretty-private transactions some of the time if they want to

Not hard to understand how optional privacy of zcash ruins the anonymity set

duly noted. i also see that zcash is supported heavily by the islamic state...is there a jew-based aspect im missing here?

privacy coins are a short term bandaid until we get scaling via sharding and layers.

in that short term only monero sees and will see any real usage for transactions that require privacy (not for storing wealth or value, that's still squarely bitcoin's domain, and why atomic swaps are being worked on by both btc and xmr).

Monero. Don't buy the jew darpa coin

btcp because fuck you

zcash. Here's why. Normies will buy cheaper coins in preference to established ones, and tech be damned

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just like how they buy BTC

xmr cause trust. privacy coins are all about trust. if the people don't generally trust it then it won't succeed. zec has trust of no one, xmr has prob the most trust in the market

monero by a wide margin. The anonymity is better by far. Also this copypasta:

Exactly 1 Year Ago:

> ZCash - $230
> Monero - $49


> ZCash - $158
> Monero - $108

Also enjoy the fact that ZCash still is going to inflate 4 X times it's current supply and keep being a shitty investment while Monero only has a couple of million left in supply to mine before tail emission. The fucking inflation, rewards to the founders, dev etc, almost ensures ZCash will keep losing value unless there is a major bull market like 2017.

ZCash has been a shitty investment despite being pushed Silbert into exchanges and into the Grayscale Investment Trust ETP, etc. If you want to keep being stupid and keep losing money, keep buying ZCash.

Monero is actually accepted in a lot of DNMs whereas nobody uses ZCash.

NSA is backdoored into Zcash and Zooko is probably compromised (also by the Chinese via Bitmain)

please explain this. In fact if someone could spoonfeed me the computer science with how zcash actually works that would be nice. Most expert reviews just say "its bad" and dont elaborate.

The issue is that very few people use Z-transactions with Zcash, so in theory the number of coins newly minted out of private transactions could be subject to temporal analysis technique that links them back to a small number of addresses.

zcash is piece of shit for a number of reasons
#1 being the dev thinking they can make it so you can track "criminal coins" but still protect the privacy of all other users which if you think for even a second is fucking impossible. this would be a fucking hollowed out sham naming itself private
#2 #3: trust setup protocol, which is the entire reason why blockchain is nice. no trust needed

pls don't bully sir i'm poor sir

Yeah, all this too. It's weird to see so many Zcash threads pop up over the past two weeks or so here. Nobody has given a fuck about Zcash for over a year because it's so obviously inferior to Monero. Makes me wonder if some Zcash marketing people are behind it (not this OP obviously but I'm sure OP saw it being discussed somewhere and wanted to learn more).

XMR by a longshot. Zcash is a fucking meme and is absolutely worthless. no mcap, no liquidity, no use case, only use case it has doesnt even work

btc is a special case. normies being suckers for cheap is ltc's whole reason for still existing.

thanks for the feedback brohams, ill be looking out for that next xmr dip

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>privacy coins are a short term bandaid until we get scaling via sharding and layers.

>maybe one day the devs btc or eth will implement privacy in a fungible way that isn't complete shit

if you really think btc and eth are ever going to have real fungible default privacy to make it good cash, you are in for a rude awakening.

>optional privacy
>default privacy

TFW when you get ready to respond and someone has already served your copy pasta

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more like 50/50 than all in one, however you need to read this zerocash-project.org/about_us to see ((who)) is behind zcash

Since the bcash fork, I've been in Monero just in case. It's a good place to hodl if you don't want to be risking anything with the bcash vs core debate. when bcash finally dies, i'll probably convert back to Bitcoin.

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