LGBTQLEL edition
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Why is the lesbian one so complicated how are you supposed to remember all of those colours
>just shades of gray
fucking fags
It's just a horizontal vagina symbolizing the fact that lesbos are backwards and not available.
Why are intersex lumped together with fags? I doubt they are persecuted at all, they are sensible enough to admit they have a genetic disease, unlike fags.
whats intersex?
Mixed sex characteristics. XXY chromosomes, hermaphroditism, etc.
>leaf op
>shit thread
whodve thunk
Literally diseases. Hipotrophic gland disorders, hormone disorders etc, chromosomal anomalies.
>hormone disorders etc
/lgbt/ spazzed out when I said a certain cross-sex hormonal disorder was intersex, though.
Why are Latvians always so cute?
y-you really think so, Leaf-san?
uwu nice thread
What makes you say that??
>Trannies get top billing
I can't wait for next decade to see their circus slowly falling around them and all taking the revolver challenge that they hid inside their colon flesh stink ditches
Good mawning !
at work again
I literally killed a chink and a nigger in my sleep, put them in a body bag and dumped them somewhere. Got instant shame but at least it was in sleep
I just had a dream where a porn star gave me a handjob. This nofap thing is messing with my heda.
Did you bust a good nut?
If China man - ok
If Japun - no good
In a dream yes, no accidents in pants.
pretty cold in apartment already. central heating for our block gets turned in when its been snowing for 3 weeks already so i need to cope with it
>be me
>livin in house
>can start heating it NOW
>enjoying dat sauna heat in living room
I think it's ''heat starts when it's -2 outside for 2 nights'' something like that.
maybe for you, last winter i had to put on wool socks and wrap myself in deck because it was so cold, no heating turned on. every winter there is some fuckery witht he central heating, so delayed
I agree.
Poor cunts yell about heating prices so they delay the start of heating season. That is the only explanation I can think of.
Last night was cold as fuck
It's the only acceptable Monster.
Burn and Dynami:t is way better
What does it taste like?
>tfw living in an apartment built during the first republic and can just bring in some firewood if it gets too chilly
Hi where are my fireplace
over there
communists to oven
Do you think this can mean something?
eating oat meal and awaiting "The Call"
someone was calling me earlier
didn't pick up
Sorry Bog, got bigger fish to fry.
Drinking Fanta.
God, the new taste is awful.
Do you guys have the old Fanta that tasted less like juice!?
in too deeep i knooow
there are so many new tastes that i need more info to reply to this
I like it when things taste more like juice
No, the Original one got a different taste now (noticed the change like 6 months ago)
No,no,no...what's the point drinking unhealthy chemical drink that tastes more like juice now?
I I wanted juice -I would drink juice. But that's just me.
I want my Red Bull to taste a red bull!
gasoline and redbull
my keyboard needs to be replaced.
take me to another life im through
Separate place for every race.
I hope we go with Finns and you...
no, i like sprite
go to somalia and see how welcomed you are as a white
I want separate place from Estonians
me 2.
So I could find them and love them up the ass!
No, just cause they cringey egomaniacs who we have nothing in common with.
To be honest, we have nothing in common with Latvians as well, but you are not as cringe.
However, the spread of chrY hg N3 is not language group specific as it shows similar frequencies in Baltic-speaking Latvians and Lithuanians, and in North Russians, who in all our analyses are very similar to Finnic-speakers. The latter, however, are believed to have either significantly admixed with their Uralic-speaking neighbours or have undergone a language shift from Uralic to Indo-European
>nothing in common with Latvians as well, but you are not as cringe
Bro, it's the wrongest thing I ever heard.
What do we have in common apart language? Which isn't mutually intelligible anyways, so it just as well could be any other language
DNA, religion (the original one), history, culture and huge penis size
your avg dick length is 12cm
that's just girls
Baltic Romuva religion had regional differences
You were German - Lithuanian - Polish - Swedish - Soviet - Russian bitch, while we at least had our own country. We are much closer to poles culturally anyways.
>Huge penis size
12 cm isn't huge
We have nothing in common with any of you.
then fuck off faggot
yours is 12cm too tard
Says Estonian posting on /balt/
t. 8 cm mongol
testing russhits doesnt mean its majority russhit dna tsupid retard.
Half of Estonians and Latvians are Russians, how can I tell you all apart?
Stop posting this retarded paint map
>Baltic Romuva religion had regional differences
Yes, so does the Lithuanian language.
>We have nothing in common with any of you
Are you that ''Galindian'' ''I wish I was Slav'' poster?
>Yes, so does the Lithuanian language.
Yes, and we don't consider samogitians proper Lithuanians
>Are you that ''Galindian'' ''I wish I was Slav'' poster?
Nah, I hate slavs with passion as well.
Our best time is yet to come, your's is long gone.
I have been at work for 4 hours and I've done perhaps 30minutes of work.
It is nice to have a boss who doesn't understand what you do.
я пидop
What is this?
It's long gone. It's all about the population and wealth now, which you have none.
Also, no culture as well to influence anything, lol
Bahuru imperija
The Lithuanian empire 800 AC
Interesting. This makes no sense.
Do you have proper info I could peruse!?
you wouldn't understand it anyways
I call bullshit.
fins arent slow, tho.
low iq
>I call bullshit
Why do you want Italians?