- General of ChainLink: General Sergey Nazarov
- General: 500001+ LINK
- Lieutenant General: 250001-500000 LINK
- Major General: 175001-250000 LINK
- Brigadier General: 125001-175000 LINK
- Colonel: 750001-125000 LINK
- Lieutenant Colonel: 50001-75000 LINK
- Major: 35001-50000 LINK
- Captain: 25001-35000 LINK
- First Lieutenant: 20001-25000 LINK
- Second Lieutenant: 15001-20000 LINK
- Sergeant Major: 10001-15000 LINK
- Master Sergeant: 9001-10000 LINK
- Sergeant First Class: 7501-9000 LINK
- Staff Sergeant: 5001-7500 LINK
- Sergeant: 3501-5000 LINK
- Corporal: 1501-3500 LINK
- Specialist: 501-1500 LINK
- Private: 1-500 LINK

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Other urls found in this thread:


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You messed up lenocinium

pee pee poo poo

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fuck off

Sergey (((we're))) coming for you


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When LINK blows up I am using my tens of millions to create a fascist political group in the US and I won't stop until it's legal to hang subhumans, kikes and all liberal faggots in the streets.

Meh, aren't you tired?

Your shit site was made 5 days ago, but we've been making threads threads since last year.

Seriously, why not channel all your energy into something productive?

sergeant reporting in
$1000 eoy

faggot: op

this place is a joke, no wonder people come here to lose all of their goddamn money on cryptobullshit


I'm a top twenty LinkPool contributer. Does that make me some kind of kamikaze pilot?

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how do i join

You shouldn’t have bragged publicly about being here. Now it’s over.

Colonel here reminding you to clean your barracks


it'll take more than 10s of millions you stupid fuck.

Top quality Jow Forums posting.

Captain reporting in is my 30k enough to make it

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Found the halfbreed who's getting gassed.

Do I have enough to make it

Attached: Screenshot_Binance_20180919-180831.png (720x1280, 147K)

> (OP)
Sergeant major with a bread crumb from yesterday

>New logo

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Dear Link team. You wanted us involved in your project. Now you’ve got us. But this is a website that literally called down an air strike last year. You used shill groups to feed us a narrative. We bought in. But now you’re stuck with us. If you don’t deliver on the things you promised you will feel what Hillary Clinton, the European left, isis rebels and many millions of others have felt in the past. You better be all in because you know we are one way or the other.

Not when Binance is hacked and all your linkies are stolen. Move that shit to an eth wallet.

Why did that get deleted

Lt. Cl. Reporting with 65k stinks.

im doing the complete opposite. since its too easy to manipulate whites ill the males to worker camps and use the females as a breeding tool. will be glorious

Can you hear the sand going down the hourglass link team? Time to call off the shills

Sergeant here. I have a multi plan shill campaign that may take link into parabolic levels. It just involves using twitch thots and zoomers as useful idiots. Once this 5 step plan has initiated and succeeded link marines will be revered and seen as gods freeing the man from the plight of (((them))). If you guys are ready for a link dominated future we start now.

I became a Sergeant Major today guys! I'm very happy and excited

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based and redpilled

redpilled and based

Schütze checking in from Volgastrand. 17 LINKY safe. Also checked and based faggot

This... take it from someone who got goxed and quit crypto until this year.


staff sergeant solid smart contract snake reporting for duty sir!
Sir, permission to speak freely
Is it time to accumulate more of the chainlink sir?!!

I don't agree with your banter, but I appreciate your dubs

well done!

Attached: sergent_solid_snake.gif (360x225, 1.97M)

I'm a Specialist
That's what my student bucks can get me

Only a private unfortunately.

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Report Lenocinium threads. Way to remove the logo from your site losers

Top 40 here. 1 of 186. Feelsgoodman

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See you at 15k
>Sleep comfy
We're gonna make it

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General with 5 million link in cold storage, blow me you plebs. I will be richer than all of Jow Forums combined

gosh someones a little upset today

This shill brought to you by lenocinium

Went all in...major general reporting for duty

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Fuck, you shills you have broken me and I’m ready to FOMO. Unironically what amount of linkies do I need to make it.
Hard mode: kinda poor here so don’t say 100k

10k or better user
>Or forever be locked in the wagecuckcage

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Sergeant Major now, hope to rank up when LINK/ETH price fall back.

wew lkads

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Will I be happy with my life as a major or will I just live a life of regret from all the other shitcoins I bought that weren’t link.

>halcyon fields

Attached: moonman.png (600x599, 432K)

I feel the same fren
A colonelcy beckons

You and I are going to be one of the few new multimillionaires of 2020 my friend, just be patient.

Private Turtleboy reporting!

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what's the relationship between link and trtl marines?

Look man, I honestly don't know what other alts or substance period you could have that could bring you the same happiness of an all in link stack.
Mithra is returning home soon

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Seals and frogmen

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delphi stop

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hi everyone

Major reporting in


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Captain reporting in. If I liquidate my QNT I could be a Lieutenant Colonel.

based and redpilled


We need an amendment to the rankings. No way 75k should be in the same tier as 125k. 6 figures LINK merits it's own rank.

Master Sergent reporting in

Second Lieutenant here.


I don’t get it, I was on /biz in about November and everyone said link was gonna be at least $5 eoy 2017, now it’s gonna be 1000 eoy 2019? No way you guys can be wrong twice right?

Sergeant Major reporting in Sir

it looks ok for now but we could be taking heavy losses any minute!

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What do you recommend? I just started this shit 3 weeks ago with play money. Just started making gains.

order a ledger nano s and use it to unlock myetherwallet

I think it was some of the funniest shit on Jow Forums.

Some autist actually spent time and effort into creating a fake website and emails. Probably thinking he had created the greatest fud in history. And then no one gives a shit and he gets whois'd. It didn't even affect the price one bit.

Lieutennant colonel reporting for duty sir. Ive been holding the line and getting regular command upgrades every few months.

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damn i can smell yall stinky buttholes from here plz cool it down with the dank gains nigger shit

Damn, feels good to be back boys.

Though I do also want it to dump hard so I can accumulate.
Finally have enough to make the 10k and it starts pumping... typical.

Ah well!

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staff sergeant reporting

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Major General reporting for duty

Lt colonel here with tears of joy

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checked, based and redpilled.

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>tfw wanted to double my investment but it pumps hard on the last day before my fiat goes through.

oh well, any LINK now is a bargain compared to what it will be

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Same lmao

What is the fastest way to get fiat into btc into binance? fuck coinbase and there 12 day wait or whatever

>that's a huge handle
you could say this handle has leverage

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corporal here

I will join you my brother

i don't use coinbase, ended up going with Coinspot (aussie exchange, wanted to be able to talk to people who are awake at the same time as me in an emergency) i usually have to wait 3 days for a BPAY payment to go through. not too sure how it works in the US or Coinbase.

i tried to sign on with Coinbase first but their id verification system is fucked, their in app camera is pathetic

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currently hold 55k link. if i go all in i could get to 80k-90k link. should i do it?

Can you use coinspot in the us?

Virtually ALL IN LINK (a pittance in BNB for whatever..) since 6860 sats...!! PRAISE KEK!

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You have to buy the entire order book to do that.

I'm new to the game (joined coinbase on the 2nd) and I literally just traded almost all my BNB for BTC for LINK

theres less than 35k link to sell on binance? guess i should wait for a pullback then.

it just hit 42 cents. And with that, for the first time in 4 months I'm at my average buy in price.

Sergeant Major reporting for duty sir!