>dog died which I had since I was 5 died
>dog which I took care of his all 16 years of his life
>dog I even took with me to college
>cried like a bitch the entire night due to his death with him in my arms
D-Does this happen in other countries?
Dog died which I had since I was 5 died
yes, but you'll get over it eventually and smile when you think about them again
me a couple of months ago
>dog died
From what ?
No, we do not fuck our dogs or think of them as humans
should've taken some blood. you can clone dogs now for pretty cheap.
Cancer, I had to put him down
So you killed the dog
Not cool man
My eyes were wet with tears, our little dog, when I bore thee to the grave... Never again shall thou give me a thousand kisses. Never canst thou be contentedly in my lap. In sadness have I buried thee, and thou deservist. In a resting place of marble, I have put thee for all time by the side of my shade. In thy qualities, sagacious thou wert like a human being. Ah, me! What a loved companion have we lost!
I thought my cat died. He disappeared on saturday, and then just randomly showed up starving today. It rained a lot over the weekend so I cant imagine he was outside. Plus he's 12 and sorta winding down.