No wonder wh*Te women want BBC
No wonder wh*Te women want BBC
What's the flag the boomer is holding?
>even painting yourself as pepe
Why are right-wingers so crazy? There's no such thing as white genocide but you weirdos make a good case for it.
they're all pathetic LARPers
I love this image.
The thing holding the flag... Dios mío...
Man the right was so cool back in 2016. What happened? Or did I just grow up?
Why are amerimongrels such a fucking joke?
Genuinely hope that sheltered racist little cunt ends up being gunned down by police and dying like a bitch.
James Allsup is a fucking faggot
they all became a cringefest the same way SJWs became a cringefest in 2014
is the maga girl a tranny?
I-it's just ironic you see!
There are some studies that suggest that transgender people are attracted to the military in a disproportionate amount (something like 20% of ALL transgender people in America have served) and the rationale behind that is that they're looking for a way to reinforce their masculinity. I think the same process is at work here. This aberration is there because its poor psychotic mind sees his fellow pepe shitheads as being masculine, and he's there to bask in the glow so to speak.
>Or did I just grow up?
t. someone who grew up as well
Jow Forums unironically loves trannies
The right has always been the antithesis of cool, desu. In 2016 they almost killed Jow Forums.
Fuck off and die, cunt.
Right wingers have been social justice warriors since time immemorial. They are the original SJWs.
Milo looks distressed
>was so cool back in 2016
The master race senyiores
such degenerates
Honestly at this stage it's more like white suicide than anything else.
>the boomer with the clown world wig
Never forget who your fellow anons are on Jow Forums
Jow Forums is made up of boomers and trannies
The fact that they're still going on about Hillary is a perfect example of the mentality that's at work here. They don't care about making people's lives better. What they care about is vindicating themselves by painting everyone else as being just as bad- "but what about the lying democrats and the lamestream media?!"; "Dems are the real racists!"; "MUH EMAILS!!!". They operate on pure spite. It's pathetic.
That one trump supporter who said "They're not hurting the people theyre supposed to be hurting" is the epitome of their mindset.
They dont care about making anything better, only making the "out group" suffer, even at their own expense.
this is so embarrassing but I still can't decide which one takes first place
1. the boomer holding the straight pride flag
2. this flaming queer with a "make america straight again" hat
3. the literal retards with the face painted as clown world pepe
it has to be the mentally ill tranny
They supposedly hate degeneracy, even though most of them are degenerates. They're basically LARPing as Nazis and KKK members from the 40s
Even the Unite the Right rally made them look terrible. It was a mix of ugly 20 something Nazi LARPers and toothless Neo-Confederate boomer rednecks
Thr Proud Boys are classical liberals and civnats.
We're you expecting anything different, I mean
That's a Proud Boys rally?
Would you see lots of degenerates at a "real" alt right rally?