i wish I was born in glorious Russian nation.
I wish I was born in glorious Russian nation
marry me so I can come and live in Russia
Putin kills gays here and doesnt recognize same-sex marriages
Civilization is dumb
>and doesnt recognize same-sex marriages
This is a good thing
its all the more reason to live in Russia
how else can I leave this american puppet country
Canada is a faggot version of Russia
meantime this is a russian provincial school teacher, he's making news right now because the parents don't want him to teach their children
You and me both.
What happens when you have a heterosexual marriage in Russia and then one of the spouses transitions and changes legal gender?
Is he gay?
he wears foundation, mascara, did his brows and nails, and rather looks as a latent/boymoding tranny than gay imo
he is chided for the makeup and nails
Is that Ghost in the Shell?
>i wish I was born in glorious Russian nation.
You mean IN Russia or AS a Russian?
TFW I was born in a country that does not exist
it's an interesting question
there was a case when they took adopted children from a woman who got her breast removed on suspicion that she wanted to change her gender
dunno if such a marriage would be void
i know that it's legally permitted to marry a tranny and a girl or a tranny and a boy if the tranny kept his or her original gender
pic related it's a marriage of two trannies - a mtf and a ftm in moscow
*legal gender
>they took adopted children from a woman who got her breast removed on suspicion that she wanted to change her gender
A little excessive, no?
29 y/o. I think they stopped issuing these after 92 in Latvia
suppose so, russia isn't very tolerant yet
they had a good reason to believe though because apparently she also told about her desire to change gender on the internet
OK, imagine this. Hypothetically, a non-Russian FtM who has not changed legal gender to male yet marries a Russian man. Since the tranny is married to a Russian, it can get Russian citizenship easier, right? The tranny transitions in Russia and changes its legal gender to male. So then will the marriage be void, and thus the citizenship, and the tranny deported out of Russia?
i believe that you don't lose your citizenship that easily
one could lose their residence permit i guess
anyway most likely such a person couldn't do all the paperwork to change the gender legally... i guess
or maybe they would still be married, dunno
the case would bring a lot of attention lol
>changes legal gender
Not in Russia. Russia probably will see you as person that signed papers.
Do Latvia issued new document for boomers or you use it from USSR?
it's pretty possible in russia
i believe it doesn't even requires orchidectomy anymore
it's just quite a task
You can't legally change your gender in Russia?
What about name? Is it legal to change your name to a male or female one if you are female or male respectively?
it will not be what you expect. be careful in your desires
Come to Russia it's fun
don't listen to him, you can change it
you can change your name too, separately from changing your gender too
We still accept the old ones.
Our new kids get this paper (I don't know if it is even considered as a document as it all is computerized and papers are almost obsolete )
What ethnicity is the one on the left?
>the case would bring a lot of attention lol
Or no one would care.
If you have a documents that says you are a female that you can marry a male Russian citizen. You have stay in that (married) status for awhile and than get a full citizenship. If you want to change a legal status to a male so you can't here :) Even you do it in Canada you will stays as a female in Russia(n documents) and if you will have only new documents where you are a male marriage may be denounced (I guess, I do not know for sure).
Why would a tranny want to become a citizen of mighty Russia?
It's only hypothetical. Of course I am not talking about myself.
Bashkir or Yakut probably
How? A-asking for a friend...
>it doesn't even requires orchidectomy anymore
So boys just can say they are a girls and do not go to an army?
Still 3rd world.
ask on dvach on /fg/
it's a plenty of medical examinations iirc
if you want to avoid conscription you can just go to voenkomat dressed as a girl lol
>if you want to avoid conscription you can just go to voenkomat dressed as a girl lol
Why are they so CUTE?