There's something that bugs me to be quite honest

There's something that bugs me to be quite honest.

In our world there are tons of women who actually suffer. And no I don't mean white girls who noticed that weirdo incell staring at them for to long, but those who reside in shitholes like Afghanistan, Pakistan, some arab countries and the like where they are unironically abused and treated like disposable things. And yet they won't choose to marry me and escape this mass.

Yes, I know Russia is a fucked up place, a frozen desert with nigger-tier population, but here we still have some civil rights along with regular access to water/toilet and most of us do not struggle to get daily food and cover other basic expenses.

And yes I know I am a useless boyhole living with my mom at the age of 25, an unattractive virgin and basically useless/wasted (even my Jow Forums threads usually get 0-5 replies), but I am kind, harmless and the least likely to beat or mentally abuse my wife.

Heck why am I even talking about Iraq when we got a lot of central Asian immigrants here and less than a few of their women would date/marry a russky.

Now you're gonna remind me again about the low status of my country, the rampant poverty, HIV, corrupt government and shit. Well, let's be honest, this board is full of people from 1st world countries with extremely low standards (if any) and yet they're single and no one would mass with them even to escape literal hell.

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>but I am kind, harmless
women do not like this

>women do not like this
Well I know but I am what I am.
Also I think it is correct only for those who never actually faced real abuse or violence. These first class women who bitch about how they crave male dominance were never bitten almost to death I presume

what are you trying to say user? thats too much text

>what are you trying to say user? thats too much text
>I am miserable, no one loves me

it is illogical but that's just how many women are

Well I realize this and basically gave up ages ago. Now I don't even care but sometimes I still do get triggered. Not even triggered, but rather I feel like I should be triggered whilst in fact I am not.

why would they go to russia if they wanted better living standards if they could just walk into western europe and be treated as kings and queens?

I think this is a bit delusional. I can see your point, your government is stealing your hard earned money through taxes (a background reminder: taxation is theft) and gives it to people you don't know and don't like. But getting to the western Europe is not as easy as it seems. Only richer people could afford this. Also you may have to deal with some shady smugglers and god knows if they sell you as a slave or do other shit. Upon arrival you will have to reside in some refugee camp where really bad things could happen and still you could be deported. People enrolling for this is a big sign of something going wrong in these 3rd world countries. Yet not so many women choose to go for western guys (I am not talking about Russia only as I've mentioned).

Same. I have been called handsome many times by males amd females from different countries, once I was even offered a job as a model. Yet I've never had a gf. I don't know how to get close to them, what do I talk with them about etc. Also I am afraid to tell dirty jokes because I think that they'll freak out
Last time I had a relationship with a girl, it was very good at the beginning. Wr were chatting for two months. She used to send me a shitton of heart emojis and say aisiteru and sje even made a pillow with my name on it and a big heart under my name. But suddenly she became cold and we stopped talking.
Nice guys rise up