British food is bad

>British food is bad
Pffft I know y'all niggas ain't saying no to a slice of this

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Looks like a turd

Thats not british lol

Bruv, personally I'm a fan of English brekkie

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You know, it's all fun and games until someone serves turkey with peppermint sauce that makes the dry-cooked meat taste like pastry vomit

looks like fat

>sausage and baked beans

Oh boy

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>Sticky toffee pudding is a British dessert consisting of a very moist sponge cake, covered in a toffee sauce and often served with a vanilla custard or vanilla ice cream

My nigga

nowadays there is no specific food anywhere in the world.

The German is angry because his cuisine is near identical

German Cousine is not great but its miles ahead of british Cousine..

Dessert are not food

I live in Germany, it's the exact same concept as British food: heavy, filling, comfort food. Lots of meat and lots of carbs.
In what way is it "miles ahead"?

> Schnitzel
> Stews
> Casseroles
> Soups
> Roasted Pork

All hearty protestant fare hardly any different to what you find in England. British cuisine got its reputation during WW2 when food rationing was in place, and it is entirely unjustified.

why yes, i do eat 2500 calories for breakfast, how could you tell?

We do everything you do but way better.

British cuisine requires advanced skills.

You sure do raw pork on bread better than we do I'll give you that

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Mmmm parasites

your chiselled physique and massive cock obviously

i'd say eating bugs isn't a universal dish bugs

That looks like a chocolate fondant


Sticky toffee pudding my guy

>terveisin. has this as the national pudding

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Still looks like a turd. Sorry Nigel

Poor niggas petit gateu

can't even tell if this is mämmi or shit :D


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In the cold Atlantic climate such calories are needed for the long days work. A Mediterranean baking in the sun all day can't understand

Britain is top tier in terms of sweets and desserts.

Scones with jam and clotted cream are the most delicious things ever made by human beings

I knew this was taken in Glasgow from the way the stairwell looks.

Also, Glasgow Kelvin College is for people too dumb for university.