Best way to eat and be a trader?

Since I got into Crypto I have put on weight. I'm going to some fucking gym. I have tried Snake Diet, not bad but unsustainable. I've done Keto its ok but again unsustainable. I bought an exercise bike, never use it.

Any easy way to not get obese on this sat on my ass lifestyle?

*If you are under 21 don't even fucking bother telling me how you stay slim and trade all day.

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edit: Not going to gym.

eat less or do more exercise

Whats your fucking problem!!!

don't eat all day. do intermittent fasting. limit your food intake to 1-2 hours every day.

Find how many calories you need to maintain weight or in this case lose it and don't go over

No problem.

It's simple calories in > calories out = fat gain.

you either decrease the calories in, or increase the calories out. There's no simple solution fatass

stop eating carbs and vegetables, they are completely useless.
Just eat meat, dairy and eggs. they have every single nutrient you need (actually true, unlike the vegans who claim that you can get all essential nutrients from plants).

doing jumping jacks or some shit you fat faggot

i have a normal 9-5 and most days I dont even eat dinner. Ive found that if I have 3 meals a day, losing weight is almost impossible.

describe a typical meal

Drink water all day.

Don't eat at all. Take all your food as a suppository, makes digestion more efficient

Big macs shall bring you salvation, don't worry about your great weight.

Kek shall give you salvation via chainlink.

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If you're not a lazy fuck do keto

If you are a lazy fuck, do fasting (short fasts, 24 hour bursts 1 or 2 days a week).

You can do intermittent fasting but honestly takes more discipline.

Enjoy your multiple pound loss per week

cardio dude, gym can help you gain muscles but you will still be fat on top of them.

only way to cut weight is to do cardio, start with 20 mins a day then after 2 or 3 week move to 30 mins, 45, 1 hour ect.

also try not to eat more than you normally would beforehand while doing this -> even eat less (you WILL be very hungry), run on the streets at night so you can hide your shame if you dont live in some shithole area

alright. for breakfast i might get like a bagel or breakfast sandwich. Either way should be no more than 500 cal
for lunch i would go to my work cafeteria. i might make a big salad with chicken, eggs and some cheese on it. if something else likes good they offer i might get that instead, like a chicken parm dish or fish dish
At this point I feel like if I eat dinner I'll go over my calorie limit. I feel like the only way I could lose weight with 3 meals a day would be to have lettuce and grilled chicken with nothing else for every meal. i dont drink soda and i only drink black coffee too. limiting calories is hard as fuck

bagel or breakfast sandwich is just carbs (aka useless). Eat some plain yoghurt with a drizzle of honey, or just crack 3 eggs in a glass and stir up with some cream and drink.

Dunno man that seems like a really reasonable diet for somebody who doesn't do much(any?) exercise.

I wouldn't expect you to be putting on weight.

cardio is the only thing that can save you

You shouldn't gain weight on 2000 calories per day. So you eat 1500 calories or more for lunch every day? Wtf

>these carbs are useless
>eat these carbs instead

The absolute state

Get a standing desk. Instead of sitting on your ass all day try sranding several times a day. Slowly increase your standing time and in few month youll be standing several hours in row. Its also good for your back and posture.

2000 Calories a day is only one bottle of whisky. How can anyone survive on that?

what on there has a significant amount of carbs besides the drizzle of honey, you niggerbrained dummy

If you’re somewhat rich then just order a healthy meal plan (?) (not sure what it’s called in English). You get food delivered that is almost ready to eat (5-30 mins of preparation). Time is money.

I didnt say Im gaining weight. Im trying to lose it. I try not to eat over 2000 calories a day. I feel like if I snack once or eat dinner Ill easily go over

yoghurt + oats and some fruit to spice it up, i like banana and apple, put in an avocado once in a while for extra creamy taste

lunch, get with the salad but less cheese and mayo

dinner, eat more veggys! less meat or when then tender stuff, no fatty meats

kek this pajeet thinks that exists outside of india

Intermittent fasting (start with not eating between 20:00 - 12:00).

In combination with minor exercise (every day 30 minutes walking).

With healthy eating will fix this

Do the carnivore diet. Nothing but meat salt and water. If you're already fat you will loose weight. Meat is also the most nutrient dense food there is with organ meat at the top

a tip for all you fattys
don't eat breakfast
push back lunch as far as you can, sometimes i push it back so far i dont even need dinner
have a light dinner
stop eating at the slightest feeling of being full
dont drink any calories. only water/0 calorie monsters/diet soda

you don't even need to do exercise and you'll lose weight (im a model)