Tonight I kill myself

I lost everything. Goodbye friends

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You still have time Marine. Just liquidate everything and put it into LINK. You will be glad you did, I promise you son.

He lost everything. Req is at 3 cents but nobody will pay that much for it.

i would say dont do it but ive thought about it for months now. Req'd

Don't kill yourself, let YCombinator kill you. They are very aggressive.

Yes you got justed (how much) but so is half of this board because of REQ.

Take your losses is part of trading. Sell it today move on to an other solid project (not based on fake promises).

Also get back at those fuckers. Ask hard questions in their Telegram etc. Fuck them, eating and living like Kings while some people lost 90%.

He should just do as I did and take out a loan to go all into LINK. What I did feels so surreal, it feels like a real life money hack.

I only have to pay $250/monthly on this $15K and its only going to take 3-15 LINK to pay it off.

What happened? I don’t follow req.

Slowly bled to death from 1 dollar at ATH to 4 cents

Mainly because they dropped their roadmap, dropped their best bet (Paypal 2.0, developed unwanted stuff, outsourced development etc.

Launched at like $0.06 late last year, was the sort of "sibling" project to LINK, Jow Forums was obsessed with both. Mooned way harder than LINK to get to over $1 at peak, then ate shit ever since. Team had "constant updates and roadmaps" and I hope this project is final confirmation that "muh community management" means absolutely jack shit.


Thanks for the explanation, frens. Fuck those pajeet devs. Also, don’t kill yourself, OP. At one point, i had lost 80% of all I had in shitcoins. Back then, I felt real despair, and still made a comeback within two months with a few trades, not only recoving what I lost, but 2x my initial investment. A bull run may be coming soon, so don’t lose hope yet.

Basically its a great idea to help with crypto adoption that raised a ton of money. It started out looking extremely promising in a sea of vaporware, but the price never moved. They very likely dumped on investors and since then they haven't built shit, they are waiting for LINK and are incompetent as all fuck doing nothing.
The whole project will likely be superceded by a smartcontract at some point.

Subtle kek

please livestream like that shotgun guy

Underrated post.


Ycombinator holds options on both coinbase and airbnb. They're the two platforms that can benefit the most from automated accounting and tax fillings through crypto payments, coinbase acquired Paradex, that lists REQ.

Coinbase is looking for engineers for Paradex since last month. Also REQ is the most dumped of the paradex coins so it will moon the hardest.

Don't fall for the shills and don't sell the bottom

all coins are controlled by bots at a ratio to btc. When btc moons REQ will moon. Just hang in there a few more months.

what is this multilayered brainletism. what do you mean "benefit the most"? the most compared to what? other exchange markets or other apps?

automated accounting is already a thing. tax filings through crypto payments? do you even pause to think about what you are saying? taxes aren't filed *through* payments, you can file federal tax forms for free. accounting firms can charge you to prepare and file these forms but you aren't paying the government. theres no special incentive over and above adopting any other crypto
