Just dumped all my link.made 100% profit in eth. What's next?

Just dumped all my link.made 100% profit in eth. What's next?

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>selling LINK

Never gonna make it.

WOW u really showed us haha

>selling link under 100k sats

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>selling a single LINK token for less than $10USD
Literally never going to make it, just cash out now and go back to your old life.


I heard similar comments last year when I sold SALT at $17 and never looked back.

Fucking alpha

>He thinks SALT is equal to LINK.

Don't kys when we hit a dollar by the end of next week.

Great job, always buy LINK low and sell high. One of the best volatility coins, there will always be Jow Forums FOMOers willing to buy your top

> What's next?

Next you neck yourself for selling LINK under a dollar when you could have been rich instead.

sold my link too

lets find another shitcoin

Just buy back in link next week when it's back to under 30 cents


sold 75% of my link just in case, but yeah whats next?

link at .35 you mong


This is THE PUMP to get out you delusional FUCKS.

Look for solid undervalued shitcoins that have been getting shit on by the markets- my personal pick would be ICX currently

Lol people here said exactly the same thing when I sold SALT at $17... I might even have a screenshot somewhere.
>Don't kill yourself when SALT his $24


Ride xrp to the top

Good for you, user. Link is the most pajeet shilled shitcoin around here.

$0.373312 USD (16.94%)

>on eth
>giving a single fuck about eth
lmao, gains are meassured in fiat or satoshis, eth is a shitcoin, if you measure link gains against eth you may as well do it against any other shitcoin

Based and redpilled

Cringe and bluepilled

>$0.373312 USD (16.94%)
$0.376012 USD (18.01%)

I'm holding eth to gain Satoshis. Right now eth it's undervalued, I expect it to recover faster than Bitcoin. I'll sell me eth too eventually.

Day trading you way to nothing like a real bizlet. Link is now ranked 50 it was at 120. Someday you will remember all this and realise you wasted your chance by having a short attention span and poor impulse control. Swing trading link for small gains is a zero sum game as it has as much chance of rising while you are out as falling. It is actually the most interesting thing in crypto. It was there right in front of you and you wanted to play ay trader because you are and always will be defeated by your lack of patience, self control and intelligence. Swing and day trading is no better than shit like on line poker. The same assholes drawn to li like flies as they were to penny stocks and forex. Always chasing that one win they got and bleeding out money until there is nothing left. If you want wealth buy and hold link. If you want to stay poor forever keep impulsively gambling on slot machines and playing day trader.

dont trade your whole stack you dumb fucks risk only %5 jesus fuck you guys are gamblers

Getting lucky is literally the only way to avoid the cage for most people

Link doesn't have a mainnet or a reputation system yet, I don't think it's time for a real moon mission.

Looks like pump & dump to me

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looks like another pump from the west to me

U sure bout that?

Go ahead. Sell your stacks.

Biz is already covered with the corpses of those who sold at 4500 sats. 5000 sats. They said the same thing.

So go ahead. I dare you

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if you are considering selling, do it. I will gladly buy your bags.

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