>check ex-girlfriends instagram
>she's traveling across the world with best friends and having the time of her life
>I'm still wagecucking saving up money for absolutely nothing
tell me it'll be okay bros. tell me I'll be fine
>check ex-girlfriends instagram
>she's traveling across the world with best friends and having the time of her life
>I'm still wagecucking saving up money for absolutely nothing
tell me it'll be okay bros. tell me I'll be fine
Don't feel too bad about yourself
What's stopping you from travelling on your own, faggot? You might get to bang a few qties too
She's probably going into major debt for all that world traveling. Women are dumb
have to take care of old boomer faggot family who didn't save anything for their retirement and now guilt me into helping them out
Don't forget that she's probably jumping on a new dick every night too. You're not even a blip in the back of her mind, while you're on here crying about it and letting it eat you up. Go lift and improve yourself - something which will actually help your situation.
>tfw they want to renew my wagecucking contract
should I just tell them to fuck off and start enjoying life again?
comparing fake instagram highlights to your own life.
this is how you get suicidal.
She’s going to have no money when she’s a used up childless hag user. Girls like this don’t own shit— Don’t worry you’ll come out on top buddy
>ex gf broke up with me
>see her going to fucking Ibiza with her friends
>see her going to fucking Helsinki(??) with her friends
>meanwhile I just bought a house and can't afford to travel until next year
>feel jealous as fuck, feels horrible to see her enjoying life travelling the world
>I call her asking about some stuff I left at her place
>She immediately breaks down crying as soon as she hears my voice
>Rambles about how she has no money left and is deeply unhappy and cries herself to sleep most nights
>feel alot better about myself
Don't trust Instagram, OP. Especially with women.
>t. faggot who comes here to whine and doesn't even share a link to the instagram of his ex
>tell me everything will be fine
If you don’t like your life, you have the power to change it. Create a product or service. Get 1000 die hard fans who will buy everything you offer. (They will also pitch to friends and family) Now you have the means to travel or do whatever you want.
Wage cucking is NOT an ok way to live the only life that you have been giving unless you honestly enjoy it.
I hate how easy women have it. They are all just living a nonstop rollercoaster ride. Life is a paradise for women, and living hell for men.
Thanks bros that really cheered me up
APX: aspergers on the block chain
They have it easier we have it better.
Ugly women have it much worse then men, there is almost nothing they can do to raise their value despite it not being their fault
This. Women use instagram to fish for compliments and envy. Your gf is probably heavily in debt and at bare minimum is mortgaging her future in exchange for instagram pictures. Youth is the time to be making and saving money, not pissing it away travelling the world.
grug lift heavy weight to be strong
so strong that nothing can ever hurt grug again
Shes racking up debt like no tomorrow. Her life is shit and she has no idea what she wants.
That’s what women do. If she is good looking she will find herself an ugly guy that’s loaded and rock his world. Debts payed in an instant
It's ok lad I saved for nothing and then the housing market crashed and I was able to scoop a deal
Now I'm basically retired and she's hitting the wall/borderline retarded from the years of drug abuse
No grug ever that strong
>despite it not being their fault
This is true for face-ugly women. The MAJORITY of ugly women are just fat.
I always wonder how whores get the funds to go on a year long dick riding travel tour? They all usualy work 35% part time at home before leaving and spend it all on useless shit the moment they get payed. How do they accumulate enough to live abroad for a year or more?
can someone PLEASE explain to me how these women are able to travel for months at a time, come back and pick up a job straight away and repeat over and over again?
i refuse to believe that their parents are funding all of this shit, theres no fucking way
The best part about 2008 crash was that there was almost no inflation so even a retard could profit with having some cash at hand.
The next one is not going to be so gentle. Especially for USA because all those dolalrs locked up by petro dollar are going to come back home to roost.
Credit cards and or sugar daddies. They work long enough to get decent credit and then get a few cards with 3K+ lines and use it to travel accumulating debt.
They then wageslave until they find some lovely man to pay it off for them or try to become an instathot.
ITT incel cope
No grug has stick stab all that hurt grug
I felt really sad for me and my ex now. The thing it's that my ex hates me and i can't stop thinking about her. Two fucking years, everytime i tried to make contact she tried to make me feel like a piece of shit.
Stopping porn and weed makes me realize how much my brain it's trying to rewire her out too. It's just DUMB, everytime i catch my self fantasizing about talking with her like fuck.
And, OP, delete your Instagram. People fake their lifes and our stupid monkey brain believes it.
LMAO holy shit, this post hurts it's so accurate.
My ex is hiking in the mountains and doing amazing outdoors shit, meanwhile I'm living fucking NEET life trying to find a wagecuck job before the next bullrun. What the fuck am I doing, bros.
i mean im legitimately jealous but have no idea how they manage to fund all of these trips overseas
>My ex is hiking in the mountains and doing amazing outdoors shit, meanwhile I'm living fucking NEET life trying to find a wagecuck job before the next bullrun. What the fuck am I doing, bros.
Buy yourself some fucking shoes and take a walk in the nature. Like what the fuck is wrong with you?
>guilt tripped into anything
Unironically not going to make it
just remember:
1. mens peak is at 35
2. stay sane during 25-30
3. stay healthy because you wont get it back later
4. dont do stupid shit like get a kid with a thot
congratulations, you are now in the top 5% attractive guys
Grab an AR-15 and wash your motherland from jews and muslims.
You know the price she is paying right?
It ain't money, and it devaluete fast.
I live in a disgusting city and don't have a car, unfortunately. I take the train out of the city as often as I can. I need to move, I miss nature.
>stay healthy
>still fat and balding
im in the JUST % of guys thank you very much
You can visit like 10 european countries for 1k during 1 month
stop reading women's magazines
parents fund everything. also attractive women can pick up jobs easy because women hire women and men like attractive women
It's the fat beauty really a meme? Since i started to excercise more it really just seems ugly to be out of shape, like you don't care for your own health.
lmao no. Chads get all the pussy before 35, and then get more because they are rich
Why the fuck arent more people talking about this?
Next crash will be brutal stagflation, America will get fucked the hardest since we have the furthest to fall.
fuck your EX op we should be preparing on what investments to make it during the next crisis (within a year)
Only us autistic ugly males need to actually show off hardskills and need to get to 100+ interviews and hope that one will call back. Thots know 1000+ people everywhere and because their looks and will get literally a job from one second to another. Soft skills matter more anyways in all this useless wagecuck office jobs
Will Cryptos be a safe investment?
b-but im beautiful at any size user
Most of zoomers travel in shitty conditions
They sleep in hostels and take economy seat
With 1,500$ they can stay 1-2 months in SEAsia
They are so fucking cheap
Also, your ex is probably a 5.5/10 that you are over-evaluating
my ex and I traveled around the world after saving up a bunch of money, I had my own stack, she had her own stack. we always split bills and shit and never really had trouble or fights. It's when we settled down that things got weird. Now I'm working my ass off so I can start traveling again and so is she. I know for a fact that she works more hours and harder than I do. And we both have no debt, well can't say for sure she has no debt cuz we broke up. so I guess it really depends on the girl you're dating...
>Soft skills matter more anyways in all this useless wagecuck office jobs
I was just having a conversation with my gf yesterday about this. "soft skills" and "leadership" and "understadning and maximizing peoples potentials who think differently or work differently or dont have the actual SKILL to do the job"
its all wish-wash bullshit to hide the fact that people are no longer hiring based on skill. It's looks, attitude, charm. which is valid for certain jobs, since "we can teach them how to do the job later"
it's valid but it's all HR women shit underneath it.
how much does it normally cost, depending on where you go?
shitcoins no, bitcoin maybe but will dump hard before it goes back up, ethereum complete gamble
in hard times people flee towards liquidity. cash is liquid, btc/eth less so, and shitcoins are a joke
being fat is either a luxury you choose or just plain stupidity. and no it is not the same as an ugly face or some repulsive deformation you practically cant do anything about. by being fat you voluntarily play life on a harder mode than necessary.
Learned that soft skills are important ... but the HR drones don't have them at all. They proceed to shit on people who have them because they need to pretend that they have any skill justifying their salary.
This. Poorfag grad student reporting. Went to Japan for a couple weeks for less than 2k.
Women obsess over holiday pics yet lack the mental maturity to do anything about it
>old gf sees friends in Turkey on faceshit
>goes fucking nuts all month about how we never go abroad
>ok i'll open a holiday savings and put some overtime into it, you do the same and we'll get a world tour next year
>check quarterly statement
>fucking manicures, car valet, shoes on it
>transfer money
>kick her out
>went round Europe with my old bro for a month instead
>made sure to post pics to her facebook
Best thing to do now is drink everyday and take as many drugs as possible
for what it's worth, anyone can look happy in an instagram pic or few second video
the reality is that 98.5% of life fucking sucks and you can't compare "insta-worthy" highlights to your own scenes that would be cut from the movie
ALSO this. Lots of people (especially young women) "travel the world" to "find themselves" - guess what, they often find nothing except debt and food that makes them sick and really shitty tourist stay / living conditions
Ignore them
>the reality is that 98.5% of life fucking sucks
Not really. Rather, 98.5% of life doesn't feel like anything. Gotta learn to enjoy the normal life.
Magnificent life of a young attractive woman is usually compensated by an absolute void and uselessness after 30. Don't hate on them for this - it's the only thing they have.
Ungrateful bastard.
Now THIS is truly a fascinating website; thanks for enlightening me anons
right, that's more what I mean. 99% of life isn't "worth sharing pictures of with your friends" or whatever.
Obviouslly not
Lmao my EX did this too OP, always doing modeling pics in skimpy clothes with photographers, posting fine dining, expensive clubs etc always posting about how much she loves herself. She ended up telling me she was suicidal last time we spoke and I found out she was a fucking Eros prostitute even while dating me. She paid for her fake life by sucking old dudes dicks, her Eros page said she did groups and trans. The shit makes my skin crawl thinking I actually loved this piece of human trash at one point. I may feel lonely and depressed at the state of the word sometimes but shit at least my life and finances are together and I’m not getting gangbanged by old men to pay for my fake Instagoy lifestyle. I really wish this was a LARP, my views of women are toxic at this point. I sincerely hope we all make it anons, quite a few of us on this site are carrying some heavy weight on their shoulders and seem to want the best for humanity.
Think about how jealous she’ll be when you’re 59, retired with a BUNCH of cash, and then when you get cancer at 60 and die. You’ll show her then!
Daily reminder this is
No it isnt goinna be ok if you keep being wagecucked desu
Make your dreams happen (sustainably) now or never.
That ugly guy is OP lol
Cope. Dying young is the dream but most people young now will make it to 100 and money will be just as important then if not more than it is now. Kys.
bumming around the world is for retards that gave up on life or prostitutes (if female). big city office wage cuck life is where it's at.
also half instagram whores i know are miserable as fuck inrl. they go on a trip to suck off ahmeds on a yacht, take million pictures, then return to their shitholes and post as if they are always on the go. kinda cringe to see what soc media has done to these poor shmucks
Any tips on how to do so fren?
>money will be just as important then if not more than it is now
Unlikely, furthermore living your life with this meme idea of the future is tantamount to gambling. It’s literally just as risky (or more so) to waste your life slaving and saving only to die at 50/60/etc than it is to live your life now on your terms however you want. Time > money.
You act like there isn't any middle ground between being a degenerate backpacking rostie living on credit cards and a jew putting every dime in crypto and index funds. You should live it up a little while you're young but not let it irreparably damage your future like most of these dumb whores do and they will pay for it down the road.
Japan is relatively expensive compared to a lot of Europe and most of Asia.
I like how christcucks are trying to force "childless" as an insult. It's so cute.
I never understood the concept of happiness.
Why would i risk my cozy life for a fleeting emotion ?
Either that or i'm happy 100% of the time, i love living so much.
The information age is awesome.
who would read machine generated fake news in their spare time? lol.
best post on biz, ever
It is an insult if you're a roastie past her prime
It's not really an insult, just an observation that a woman who doesn't have children is like 99% going to regret it and become bitter and miserable over it. These roasties wait until their 30s to settle down so their kids, if they have any at all, end up with downs and autism too. So they're old, unattractive, broke, and unloved, lol. This doesn't apply to men though.
Exes will always hate you; it's a coping mechanism. It's weird because I never hate my exes. I'm happy for them and when I see them with a new guy I think, good for that guy. Hope they're happy together.
Women can't stand the thought of being unwanted by someone they like. Unrequited love is painful for men but we tend to have lots of experience with it, so it dulls the pain. Many girls are raised as "princesses" and told they deserve the world, so when a guy breaks up with them, their only cope is to hate hate hate. Their world view cannot survive with the fact that a guy fell out of love with them from some fault in their own character, so they blame the guy and find new ways to hate him. "He treated me poorly, I just never realized it," etc. etc. I've heard it all. Looking at your ex's instagram is cancer and I strongly advise deleting anybody off social media if viewing their posts is toxic to your life.
>looking up past dates on social media
Stop looking up your ex gf online you cuck.
You need to goto the gym, lose fat+gain muscle and start talking to girls... Any girls.
Online girls, irl girls, girls at work or girls you meet waiting for the bus.
Just surround yourself with women.
If you're an autistic retard go and talk to elderly women and then gradually work down the ages until you can talk to any female you want.
But for the love of God just talk to a woman instead of looking up your ex gf
>they will pay for it down the road
Unfortunately a Beta provider will most likely enable her and allow her a comfortable life absolving her of a careless past. Meanwhile we will bust our asses in hopes of maybe one day escaping wage cuckoldry, the world isn’t fair anons. Be the best man you can be have your life and finances together, take care of family and have a fulfilling hobby.
Spoken like a true parasite
>Have to
You don't have to do shit. If anything you should be mad at them for being selfish and putting the burden on you. Fuck if i lived my life that way, theres no way I'd be where i am now.
I..is link one of the shit coins?
Unironically based and redpilled
>Although there was a slight increase in self esteem and life satisfaction for women with children, no such effect was found amongst men. And childless older women and men reported no increased sense of loneliness or depression compared to those who had children.
As expected of christcucks
Better than (((machine))) generated posts on a Cantonese calligraphy review forum
Every girl I know who's jet-setting and traveling across the globe had either nothing in savings, 3-4 figures in credit card debt, tens of thousands in student loans, or a combination of the three.
I went to australia, new-zealand, indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Hawaii, Iceland, Slovenia and Croatia. some places are cheaper than others and if you look in the right place you''ll definitly find cheap flights and Hotels/hostels/Airbnb and such
i'm not a christcuck or tradcuck, I don't care if they have kids or not. I've never seen an older woman without children who seemed happy, but then I don't try to meet those people in the first place, so more power to them if I'm wrong.