Should i fomo into xrp?

Should i fomo into xrp?

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Jesus, can you not answer this question yourself? Up 40% today, yes do it you faggot, you deserve to get dumped on

I've been in and out almost near the top, pretty risky and nervous, don't do it

never xrp

It has 2 more days like this to a dollar or so. Hard crash and stable at 0.60 for the next few months.

>ah nice pump today, it will probably retrace
>ah yet another nice pump, today it must retrace
but now its getting really fucking high without a retrace, I certainly wont touch this right now

Please do and buy it with real money. Crypto market will thank you if you invest real money in it. We dgaf if you lose it all though.

Want a high quality TA of XRP?


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No, this is just a Bart.

Give it a couple days and you can buy in much lower.

Can we expect a Lisa retracement

NO! fomo into before the 50% bonus is gone tomorrow. a shitload of private (smart) money came in over night. no doubt linked to binance and the malta government. best lesson I learned is to not only watch the project but the people pumping money into it. there will be fuckery here, a huge fakeout pump right after listing before the real 1000x pump to make these rich fuckers even more rich. i did what i did with dragonchain and went in balls deep. ride the whale waves my good dudes!

Farewell, Hesh; my Salisbury steak awaits!

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Do it faggot. It can only go up from here

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>Give it a couple days and you can buy in much lower.





>What is a short squeeze

this is going straight to $1 watch and learn

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>watch and learn
pretty ironic coming from a typical late adopter

>pretty ironic coming from a typical late adopter

Literally been in crypto since 2011

Once you've been in this space for 7 years you can make a comment

unironically true. it will at least double its current price before the squeeze is over

pwc is a scam bank

This fucking picture gets me every time.

It's a reverse Bart with a chance of Maggie

I'm waiting for it to Marge.

PWC is an auditing firm, PNC is a bank.

> should I fomo
> should I do the thing Jow Forums cant stop doing and lose all my money

Dude, the RSI is 75; its overbought on the daily and looks risky as fuck right now.

if you fomoed now and xrp doubles again its a good fomo. risky fomo but could be a good fomo

>Should I fomo
Yeah, I did it.