/smg/ - Stock Market General

Sitting on the front porch on a foggy morning edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks, and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

Basic rundown on options:
youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Open]

Suggested books:

Previous thread:

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I need a fucking drink. I can't remember the last time I had a drink.

Just spent 600 dollars of shares on ECR.

All my gains today are gone!

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I bought some. Looks like something fun to do.

Dropped 200 cheers dude hopefully it does work

me too, there's still like all fucking day, and I don't even want to fucking trade anymore.


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and the TQQQ

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Did you guys buy cause biz said to or is there some other reason

NBEV is completely shitting the bed as we speak.

Go long on GTXI, don't buy the common stock, just get a cheap Feb 19' call and ride it out.

Victim of investor panic, dropped 94% in a day.

If you're risk averse buy VOO and let the good times roll.

Got anything stronger? I don't want to remember.


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Who needs shares when you have degenerate option gambling?

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Ugh me plan 4 2 day was awful
Usally SPY and futures am only 10-20 cent difference but now they whole dollar difference ;_;

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Back in NBEV at 6.35.

Recommend some ETFs without AAPL, GOOG, other world destroying companies

Usually i do the opposite of what biz tells me unless they got good sources.
Last thread some user dropped some info on it

the whole markets kind of a bloodbath rn

Enjoy your just and well measured gains user. We're all going to make it.

Nope, just buy VTI if you want to diversify away from the titans.

I thought NBEV was supposed to keep going up. Is this a false breakdown, or is the ride just over now?
Glad I didn't put more than $40 in, but still kind of frustrated.

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Cheap long calls are the name of the game with meme stocks and Jow Forums trends. Aside from AMD. AMD is love, AMD is life.


Worth going for long gains or is this just a quick flip?

Thanks to the fren that told me to pick up XOP calls, +50%. Only thing green right now.

VTI is not what I want. I’m talking small cap/mid cap stuff anything with zero AAPL, GOOG, FB, etc. I realize I’m answering my own question but I’m looking for other ideas.

Panic sellers following weekend profit takers.
Its going back up but rough ride ahead.

I dropped 200 on it and it's stuck in the same price


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>tfw I'm having a green day.

Hows those gambles going for you friends

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They're going to get stuff out of the ground in Appalachia.

why the fuck are you morons buying ECR
just because it's merging with BRMR a fucking OTC stock? The only ones getting a deal are BRMR since they'll get 4 shares per BRMR share they own

The QQQ is going down, but bonds are going up. If it weren't for the oil/gas shiller yesterday I'd be red right now.


Not gonna drop (meaningfully) until end of the month when big money sells out.
Then they'll buy back in for cheap before the pre-earnings hype train.

>step away from trading because of grad school
>AMD up 130% from when I was last active

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The only philosophical advice you need about trading

Hate those days when one stock is keeping you green then it drops out from under you.

TNDM don't stop

Shit up nigger I just made ten bucks for doing nothing and now I'm gonna use it to rent your mom's mouth.

You're supposed to buy the weed meme ASAP and then get the fuck out ASAP

It's literally all just hype that comes to a screeching halt the second things start going south even just a little bit


I don't know, this my third NBEV trip of the week and it's been pretty easy money.

You bought XYF too huh

IGC 3.54$, in fact all my stocks are green. 600 bucks today.

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The right time to buy was Sept. 18
it's back at 1.30 now
enjoy your short term bagholding

Tilray on discount

>when the dollar is this strong


Hypothetically speaking, if the FED decided to do something crazy next week and raise the rate of interests, wouldn't this cause markets to sell off and increase the strength of the dollar even further since there would be such a run on cash while everybody is cashing out?

Tilray on a discount is 50 dollars a share

>something crazy next week and raise the rate of interests

isn't that already priced in? it's confirmed they're going to raise rates more

I sold IGC at $1.60 and watched it drop to $1.10 idk how the fuck it goes up so hard so fast

senpai no :(

Jow Forums said it. I just decided to go with it if it goes above 2 I’ll sell immediately

Gotta pay attention. A stock that flies under the radar at that price attracts huge whales.

It was at plus $20 and now its minus $30 I fucking hate this stock but I'm gonna hold until December

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Higher Interest rates usually brings money into the country because now it's a valuable investment to outsiders. Higher Interest = more money from Investments (especially compared to interest from other countries).

Higher Interest means a stronger dollar yes, but there's a lot more factors to the dollar than just that.

I won't hold my breath

So I hope everyone GTFO of tilray two days ago.

TQQQ isnt a stock

its an ETF

and a way of life

We'll just have to see how good the cocksucking is.
I made ten bucks and got out. What the fuck do you care?

Fuck you nigger I know how to read stop shilling it I got like a month ago at what I thought was a good low and went straight red since

You need to listen to some Peter Schiff informative podcasts

I just got the fuck out of C and switched to BAC I don't care if the interest rates are going up C was up like 6% over 3 days that shit was not lasting. Just take my 100 bucks and go somewhere else for the interest rate spike.

You could have listened to me and shorted the nasdaq while I was telling you yesterday. You should have listened.

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Thank you based Robinhood

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Buy the dip

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Nice move user

The dip isn't over.

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Congratulations, sir. That is awesome.


we're getting a fresh speedy delivery of Green candlesticks in 30 minutes

I like the idea of options but feel like its a rigged system. When markets can be moved with a very small amount of shares but a lot of value in options depends on a strike price, I can't imagine someone isn't gaming the system. I expect TSLA to drop on monday like a rock thanks to monthlys expiring on friday.

Cancel that delivery of green candles. I need a custom made red candle that's about $20 long and 5 minutes wide.

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Do you think it could still go up?

>Sold at $8.80
I'm not the luckiest man alive...well I'm up there.


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Shorting tesla with leverage @ $300.

Because there are faggots that bought the bags you just sold.

I call this piece of art "Poorfags wild ride"

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please do.


It's definitely manipulated. You can pull price down by selling puts and pull it up by selling calls. That's not supply/demand imbalances either like clearing the bids or offers. That's the stock price responding to the option stats. The U.S. market in general is absurdly corrupt for as big and popular as it is. It has the characteristics you would expect if a stock market opened in Somalia. You can somewhat learn to play around it, but it's absolutely a rigged game.

I can't stop laughing.

Breaking even.
Had an amazing 4 days, its bound to happen, especially when ~30% is in commodities.

Anyone else sell their GALT shares? Can’t trust it

I have a feeling AMD's gonna crash soon, should probably sell on monday.

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anyone else want to kill themselves after a bad trade?

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I am going to have access to $30,000 at the end of the year. Do I pump it into a comfy accumulating ETF or do I build a portfolio of dividend aristocrats? I have picked about 30 blue chips already. I'm worried I might "miss out" on dividends if I don't go that route immediately, but that might be some psychological fallacy.

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No, I just bought more.

the thing that matter much more than what you buy is when you buy. if you're coming into that kind of money you need to get a good price and not buy a top. wait for the big dip in the next year or so and go ham

i'm on margin on 4 shit companies sitting at 20% loss right now holding. and it's costing my money to borrow on margin every day. shit tanked on all of them immediately after buying. and i tried diversifying. it's like my broker watches my account for what to destroy in the market.

I'll do you one better.

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It's definitely rigged, but you just need to think about the other players and what their moves would be if you were in their shoes. If you bet with the ones in control, you can ride their coattails and stay green overall despite incorrect predictions. Just imagine you had billions at your disposal, and you want max profit from market sentiment.
Like AMDs movement this week. Hold the price down, build position slowly for cheap, write puts for end of week, then let it ride up on Friday.

Suit yourself.

Mine's "The Learning Curve"
We're gonna make it bros, good job.
No one else though.

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Depends on what you consider to be a bad trade. If I overtrade or do something I know is objectively bad form and it costs me a positive day, widens my deficit for the day where I'd have to trade like a God to breakeven, or something along those lines, I have gotten pretty close to choke slamming my monitor. If I saw something that looked like a good opportunity and it doesn't work, it's a little annoying, but I move past on most days. It's lose lose though. You miss a trade you feel like shit and you're like "why did you hesitate?" You enter a trade and it doesn't work and you're like "why didn't you wait?" You'll drive yourself mental if you don't have some structure for what constitutes a "good trade" other than whether or not it wins or loses.

Bought at 4.10 and sold at 6.14, felt pretty good. Can't complain.