Attached: asdfasd.png (1774x637, 71K)


Attached: asdfasd.png (1757x618, 42K)

we made it

Just wait until the news drops in about 30 minutes

what news

We all hate government, but you'll realize how much you love government soon.

Buy this?

XRP sentiment will momentarily diminish, diluting that into............ Then the news drops and..........

I want to believe you but sounds like porkies mate.. where you getting your inside information from?


Attached: agasdgads.png (1707x722, 80K)

Does it matter where? Or does it matter what? Hmmmmmmmm......

Yes kind of, how do I know you're not bullshitting? Is this information or are you some kind of TA king?

I bought POWR at 25 cents way back in November, hopefully I can turn a profit from it now. I didn't cash out at ATH

When the FA and TA stars align.... And when the timing is divine... The charts will shine....

I like what you're smoking... so how long now you're saying 20 minutes?

XRP's wave 5 is nearing completion, when its ABC follow....... Then......


MOON shine.

Tick...... tock........

Attached: agasdgads.png (1641x677, 42K)

Support will be broken artificially, then...

I dont get what you're saying this shit going up or down? Do I buy do I sell? Just help me out here mate.

Where do we even set our stops on this, this shit can dump so far

Do I lie? Now watch.

Attached: agasdgads.png (1741x652, 39K)

Watch what? It dropped like a bitch.


then.. ? then what?

Well I got excited that you had some legit "news in 30 minutes" info coming... ahh

Patience pays, haste mistakes