You wake up in New Jersey

You wake up in New Jersey.

Attached: IMG_0318.jpg (3488x2008, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>buy bulletproof everything

Beautiful forest.




Attached: merck.png (497x522, 88K)

sure is empty

Attached: Pine Barrens, New Jersey (2018).jpg (2000x1200, 595K)

I drive back over the Delaware and never speak of this experience again to anyone at all.

seems nice here

Attached: Cape May, New Jersey (2017) 02.jpg (2172x1448, 527K)

land of wealth

Attached: Colts Neck, Monmouth County, New Jersey (2018).jpg (1800x1013, 1.12M)

Attached: Jersey City, New Jersey (2017).jpg (2153x1448, 415K)

Fuck I thought I moved out in 2015. I'll drive to my apartment in Brooklyn then.

Neither of you fags could afford it.

Attached: Port Newark-Elizabeth Marine Terminal, New Jersey (2016).jpg (3188x1680, 1.44M)

I actually wake up to a view of the entire New York skyline from across the Raritan Bay

not bad desu

Attached: Highlands, Monouth County, New Jersey view toward Sandy Hook & NYC.jpg (2500x1667, 2.52M)

Unless you live in Camden it's not really a problem there.

Attached: Camden_NJ_poverty.jpg (600x450, 64K)

No one lives on the pine barrels but it frequently has fires.
t.lived in central NJ for 2.5 years

>europeans dream of suburbs like these

Attached: View of Sea Bright and Gunning Island from Rumson, Monmouth County, New Jersey.jpg (2000x1334, 763K)

actually, very poor people do

Tabernacle, Manchester, Woodland, Bass River...


Attached: Apple Pie Hill Fire Tower, Tabernacle, Burlington County, New Jersey (2009), view north.jpg (818x614, 579K)

>fuck off after a day because there's nothing to fucking do in new jersey
>get lost in a forest if north jersey

Please most of them would end up living in depressing places like this. We both know where the average person in NJ lives.

Attached: cfiles14107.jpg (960x720, 197K)

I just remember not only driving through it when we had a possible job there but going over satelite photos and it was eerily mostly empty. Which is rare in the NE corridor.

Attached: George Washington Bridge, Fort Lee, Bergen County, New Jersey (2017) 02.jpg (2172x1448, 341K)

most NJfags live in split levels in the suburbs to be desu

Attached: Middletown, NJ streetview.png (1888x857, 3.2M)

pizza pasta mamma mia
go mets
fuck the patriots


most of NJ supports the eagles desu

a big portion of South Jersey is in the Pinelands National Reserve which limits development. There was a plan in the 60s to build a jetport in the middle of the Pine Barrens and a city for 250,000 people, but opposition stopped the plans quickly.

Attached: New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve map.jpg (2343x3000, 1.41M)

do they really?
I thought they supported the Jets

There's a giant multi-trillion gallon aquifer under the Pine Barrens, an entrepreneur bought up all this land to try and channel it to Philadelphia which is just west over the Delaware, but a law was enacted to prevent the export of water and the land ended up becoming the first national reserve.

Attached: Pine Barrens, New Jersey development plan.jpg (1440x1204, 379K)

Is it true that people in North Jersey are rude? I went to Hoboken a little over a month ago and didn't experience any rudeness, but it was during the week and most people were at work.

No that were people in long island i got confused

Based and Gabagoolpilled

Attached: 4921339286_0242ee6c50_b.jpg (1024x683, 595K)

Attached: Atlantic City, New Jersey (2015).jpg (2700x1797, 1.26M)

Attached: Bay Head, Ocean County, New Jersey.jpg (1920x1080, 482K)

Attached: Success Road, Jackson Township, Ocean County, New Jersey (2015).jpg (3264x2448, 2.49M)


Attached: Deal, Monmouth County, New Jersey (2015).jpg (2240x1176, 1015K)

Attached: Whitehall Avenue, Deal, Monmouth County, New Jersey.jpg (1980x1114, 710K)

*drives an hour back home to PA*

Attached: Paramount Theater, Asbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey (2017).jpg (2786x1636, 581K)

this was one of the nation's first vacation spots... peddling on swan boats in Asbury Park, lol

Attached: Lake Wesley, Asbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey (2017) 02.jpg (2172x1448, 397K)

looks pretty gay

Long Branch, too.

now Jared Kushner owns it all lol

Attached: Pier Village, Long Branch, Monmouth County, New Jersey (2016).jpg (2000x1334, 3.26M)

This is what a the average NJ girl looks like btw

Attached: 1568502893493.jpg (1920x1080, 288K)



it's New Jersey, no shit.

Attached: Asbury Park, New Jersey 02 (1905, colorized).jpg (1920x1080, 531K)

large skulled new jersey sluts

Attached: Negro bathers, Asbury Park, New Jersey (July 19, 1908).jpg (1700x1166, 379K)

Attached: Jersey City, New Jersey (2014).jpg (1024x683, 1.08M)

sounds like an indie band name

Attached: Miftaahul Uloom Academy, Union City, New Jersey.jpg (1024x683, 904K)

>do you ever feel yourself getting depressed? Is your life void of all meaning?

I already live half an hour away though

Attached: Mantoloking, Ocean County, New Jersey (2017).jpg (1770x996, 767K)

I lived near NJ
It's not bad if you're indian/white
Really fucking strange if you're near Newark where there's third wold levels of mafia gangs

are you not indian or white

Attached: New Brunswick, Middlesex County, New Jersey.jpg (3495x2330, 3M)

Attached: Driscoll Bridge, Raritan River, Garden State Parkway, Middlesex County, New Jersey (2011), widest br (1600x1200, 523K)

I'm a niche south asian(like right next to India)
Seemed like land of indian/white interracial couples/culture
The italians from NJ tho are complete trash holy shit lmao
Woke up you say?

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Attached: Surf City, Long Beach Island, Ocean County, New Jersey.jpg (2134x1423, 673K)

Attached: Long Beach Island, New Jersey.jpg (2000x1335, 1.65M)

go to new york

Attached: Peahala Park, Long Beach Township, Long Beach Island, Ocean County, New Jersey.jpg (2171x1448, 385K)

Attached: Barnegat Lighthouse, Long Beach Island, New Jersey (2015, ca. 1835, 52m) 02.jpg (2112x1408, 513K)

>lived near NJ
that's my homebase but I visited NJ enough to understand the difference

Attached: Seaside Heights, Barnegat Peninsula, Ocean County, New Jersey (2018).jpg (1373x912, 384K)

Attached: Seaside Heights, New Jersey.jpg (2500x1201, 741K)

Attached: Seaside Heights, New Jersey 02.jpg (2500x1667, 2.15M)

Attached: Toms River, Ocean County, New Jersey.jpg (4288x2848, 2.6M)


Attached: Navesink River Road, Middletown, Monmouth County, New Jersey (2018).jpg (3000x2250, 1.14M)

Attached: Navesink River, Rumson, Monmouth County, New Jersey (2019).jpg (3000x1684, 915K)

which part? the one close to nyc? or the one close to philadelphia?

Can I also wake up 100 years ago so New Jersey is worth waking up in?

That's right cocksucka, go back to New Jersey!