Spaniards Are garmanic

>drinks loads of beer
>eat loads of cured pork
>gothic architecture everywhere
>Roberto, Ricardo, Carlos, Fernando, Henrique, Alberto, Luis are all of germanic origin
>reconquista heroes were of germanic ancestry
>cluster relatively close to germans

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How do Americans feel about hearing accents from different regions? Only ones i like are the ones close to Canada the rest hurt my wars hearing

Attached: 1569104779292.jpg (700x472, 76K)

Yeah, we know that already. There's a reason Spaniards rarely have semitic noses like Italians or Greeks.

Saying Iberians are like Romans is like saying Lebanese are Arabs (which they are not, they are Levantine)


im italian and have this nose fuck off projecting beaner

Attached: mednose.png (235x200, 45K)

You're not Italian, you are a race-obsessed faggot larper.

You are not white

feels good to be a WESTGOT, germanic bros

Fuck off, Colombia is a NEGRITO nation dammit.

whiter than you spic

Attached: my foot.jpg (555x415, 29K)

>whiter than you spic

You are not white.


Attached: spics.png (1208x834, 69K)

Yes, that's literally me, how did you get that picture of me?

Anyway, you are not white.

beaner cope

>eat loads of cured pork

How is that a germanic thing? Everyone who's not cucked by some dumb religious proscription does that.

Shit*lian cope

Im italian and have a jewish nose

muslim rapebaby

only italo americans are white.

Why do you keep wanting to be wh*te? Its delusional desu

non whites aren't americans

>Why yes, i'm an arab-jewish-black mutt, how could you tell?

Attached: alvarodebazan.jpg (1705x2136, 3.26M)

>projecting again

Attached: argentinamutt.png (727x635, 238K)

I am a proud Mediterrenean BVLL
youre just a coping wristlet who canteven speak italian

i took italian for 5 years

I dont care, youre not italian

neither are you muhammad


Pretty sure Visigoths were creampieing Spanish women 24/7 after they invaded.

So yes, Spaniards do have some Germanic admixture.