Why are posters from this nation so based?
Why are posters from this nation so based?
most miserable places always make the funniest people.
This is a Jordanian.
excellent thread
No, I just appreciate countries in the Middle East with the right kind of government. Take note.
I want to suck on Middle easterner PP
Go to bed. It is late in Jordan.
excellent post
im no longer employed and i have nothing to do in the morning
So you don't appreciate the posters?
getting sucked off isn't gay
Based? Based on what???
y'all should really try for a more differentiated flag
I agree. I hate how our flag had to share the same boring color strips as other arab countries. I wish we kept the old flag instead
Is it legal to watch anime in Sudan?
that's just the Gabon flag lmao idiot
the fuck is Gabon?
A type of monkey.
>im no longer employed and i have nothing to do in the morning
I know the feel. I was very depressed when I was unemployed and never slept. just played vydia games and coomed
that's mean
What do you mean? Is there a country where anime is illegal to watch? Sounds like hell...
They look close but that's not gabon's flag. I would still rather share a similar flag with my African brothers than with a disgusting j*rdanian scum
It should be illegal. It offends God.
Not even Saudi Arabia bans anime. In fact, they have allowed it for years to be streamed at different TV channels. You're correct that it offends Allah, but so does photography and other type of video capturing. And almost everyone, including Islamic "sheikhs" and imams have a smartphone or a camera that they use to take pictures or videos, even though it's clearly mentioned in the hadith that it's forbidden to do so. Muslims are all hypocrites these days
No, he is palestinian. He posts in the russian general.