Ah yes... Beautiful Rossiya

Ah yes... Beautiful Rossiya

Attached: Swingy boi.webm (540x960, 1.92M)

i have been to russia 4 times and i love it)

stop posting underage kids you pedophile weirdo

Woah, water after rain.

I wanna fuck her little russian asshole.

as opposed to underage adults?

hahaha so funny you are a putinbot
slit your throat, fat fuck

this is kino


don't try to be cute you pedophile


That's not a child

yes it is you stupid pedophile child molester

Imagine grabbing her legs when she swigs forward, so the back of her head lands in the muddy water and laughing at her when she sits up to yell at you.
Then grabbing her by the throat and forcing her head into the puddle while she struggles against you and feeling her get weaker and weaker until she takes her last breath then stomping her skull until the puddle is a mess of brain, skull, and blood, then calling her parents telling them to pick her up while you escape, leaving them to find their dead, mangled unrecognizable gory stump of a head when they pull her out of the puddle


Attached: 1567098110644.jpg (1080x1020, 191K)

hey look, it's Chester the child molester.



why is a 4 foot peasant indio responding to me?

its are culture

I'd love to gently remove her shoes and trousers and then lick her legs clean

she's going to have to walk home in cold wet socks

No one cares about an 18 year old and a 17 year old, it's the 35 yo losers who can only bang mentally undeveloped children

>Swingy boi
doesn't look like a boi

yeah, the way to recognize russia lol
the rain drainage is faulty like all the time

Congrats: You are now pregnant with worms.

lolno, normies and society at large have absolutely no issue with 18-year-olds doing literal porn, but somehow flip their shit and start talking about "immoral behaviour" when a 17.999-year-old is instead involved. It's nothing but pure hypocrisy.

Also, please define what exactly the world "child" means to you, because evidently your definition is not at all the same as that of any dictionary I know of.

Not really a problem, the walkway is clear.

Why is she getting her shoes wet like that? I bet she doesn’t wipe either!

I'm 5'9

Attached: ka.jpg (492x465, 66K)

You have to set the line somewhere

I agree entirely (though the line should retain some level of flexibility, e.g. in cases of an 18-year-old with a 17-year-old). However, that line should be entirely legal, not moralistic. To act like it's morally repugnant at 17.999 but "morally acceptable to be on the front page of pornhub" at 18.001 is utterly nonsensical. Legal lines in the sand, as necessary as they may be, shouldn't be confused with morality or ethics.

I see a lot of people have this xxxtentacion hair now


I laughed. Not because your post was funny but because your cunt is a fucking JOKE


yeah, the walkway is higher than the grass at its sides but with a proper drainage there should be a drain to gather all that water instead of it forming pools in the recessions

without it also when the rain is very strong there will be a flood there all over the walkway

Attached: 1569123311286.png (686x634, 598K)

>tfw no autistic russian gf

I just want her to take a dump and leak on me.