Have you actually talked/involve yourself with an actual brainlet in your country? Not the "meme" brainlet...

Have you actually talked/involve yourself with an actual brainlet in your country? Not the "meme" brainlet, an actual idiot?
I have, and jesus, he's lazy, can't do anything right, wastes power and electricity, complains a lot. We got rid of him recently.
He doesn't even know how to shit right and scatters his shit everywhere.
His IQ is probably around the 70s range.
I kinda pity him.

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Yeah but I bet he's got a girl waiting at home.

Probably not. user, this guy's literally dancing like a monkey when watching action movies during action scenes

Not sure if it counts, but I know a girl who is taking into statistics course 3 times now

do you dream of moving to a 1st world country

You're not cute

Maybe she's an idiot, but not impaired like that guy was.
And jesus he never takes a bath

No, not really. Vacation yes, moving to one no. I dream of Flipland turning 1st world though

She's an idiot for sure. She would ask me the most simple shit that her answers could can be found on Google or looking at the lecture slides. I moved school so dont have to deal with her shit

did you told him to bath

I am the brainlet

Everyday when I look at the mirror.

kill yourself

literally me

pretty much everyone regardless of how fat and dumb they are seems to manage to get a gf except us

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almost as if incels aren't a very good guide to how the real life works?

i guess it's only natural that if you've never tried you would've not had one.

Hello I am said brainlet

Some of the hobos that like to make themselves a notorious guest when they come to visit daily in my family's store were sometimes a bit out of their head...

There was this crazy old guy who had a thing with my mother and got jealous when he saw me with her so he accused me of being a thief, for the longest time, my parents were awfully patient with him and tried explaining to him that I was their child, but he didn't seem to get the memo. They eventually had to kick him out because he fought with another client.

>kill yourself

Attached: ANGRY SOYFINN.png (621x712, 216K)


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Forgot to reply

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I've talked to plenty of stupid people, but never someone you couldn't get through to.

Just asking, do you think that the Philippines could become a first world country? What are it's obstacles?

Yeah, I'm talking to you right now.


but are you a lawyer like him?

why is this faggot alowed to avatarfag and blogpost every single day?

because I don't care

Yes, we ended up becoming good friends, actually.

wholesome and good

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Many obstacles
And it could but I'll be old by then
We take like 1 step forward, a half step back

Yeah, when I was a little kid there was a Portugese family whose eldest son was mentally impaired. I played with him sometimes (he was around 20 at the time).

You're not cute


Are you also a brainlet?

This is Jow Forums related topic

I dunno, these people are dumb because of lack of nutrition, caused by poverty. That's why I pity them.