Americans will literally support authoritarian police states and robber-baron capitalism because they don't want to...

Americans will literally support authoritarian police states and robber-baron capitalism because they don't want to help black people

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>wants me to pay for Jamals and Juans healthcare
lmao fuck off Chicano

rent free

anything is better then helping niggers
fuck off niggers

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sopa de macau uma delicia

Why do you assume hes a mestizo?
I support socialism and Im not a n*gger lover

are you serious? why do you think whites are pretending to be black? blacks get more benefits than whites. also blacks are trying to collapse the country with expensive slavery reparations.

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In Russia, there are practically no blacks, but Russians washed by propaganda still support democracy without the right to fair elections and police officers who take bribes.

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I want a movie of this case

I don't want to help niggers. I don't like them and want to see them fail.

That's pretty based actually. If trannies were affected too it'd be objectively right.


Who the fuck said anything about socialism? I don't give a shit about whether some leftycuck wants to whine about socialism. I just don't like niggers. I have been around too many and had to deal with them complaining about literally everything there is to complain about, being lazy, making everything about their race because it's so obvious that blacks are extremely insecure about their skin color, and seeing just how shitty of humans they are.
I don't want to help niggers. I don't want to give my money up in taxes for programs that go to them, I don't want to see them succeed, I want them to go the fuck away. I want them to have their own countries that they can fuck up and ruin and then they won't be able to complain about the white man anymore when it's obvious they do it to themselves. It's not enough that they stick to their containment zones in cities, they need to be removed completely.

We do pay for their healthcare, and houses, and food...

niggers are pretty disgusting though

No more basketball, no more eggball, no more music industry... damn america without blacks is soulless ... almost like they're the only caution of culture there...

Its a bit more classist. They hate poor whites getting welfare too

Who gives a shit?
Who gives a shit?
>rap music and hip hop
Who gives a shit?
Blacks contribute nothing to society, they're just a drain.
Every nigger in the world could die right now and the world would be instantly better for it.

Blacks used to make good music. When they were still second class citizens.

Democracy is a false god.

the frog is being sarcastic you stupid fucking chicano

What about hispanics in the US?

I have no problems with them because in general they are very hard working, they are family oriented, and they're not loud apes when they're in public.
Some of the best coworkers I have had were hispanics who were just grateful for the job and didn't take it for granted so they worked hard. Also, hispanics integrate extremely well. They come here, go to church and try and fit in and work hard at their jobs. They don't complain about everything like blacks do.


t. chicano

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Every. Single. Time

Virtually no capacity for self-reflection

Americans should withdraw all forces from Europe and put the saved money back into healthcare/social services

There isn't a single person on earth who gives a shit what your opinion is on anything. Go run around your little shithole in the desert and keep killing each other.

Wh*toid cope. America without blacks would be as soulless as Russia

You can be socialist and hate niggers too retard, socialism does bot mean free money for niggers

No I wasn't fuck off you're not a translator

Chicanos are not mexican

You know with all faults of blacks in the US hispanics represent a bigger existential threat to the country? If you genuinely believe polonomics do you think they can maintain America's eminence after they acquire the majority? Plus you're providing Nazis reason to attack you as well

And even better in Sudan the shithole, with literal militias running around it seems to have fewer homicides than some latin countries

Chinks are a bigger threat, chicanos have no political or economic power

They're unironically the model minority alongside South Asians

Are you going to be merciful to whites once you dominate the political system?

based, the only positive contribution that hispanics give to america is that some of their women are good looking

>They're unironically the model minority alongside South Asians
Yes they are a model minority and thats why they are threat to america, people who are more sucessful have bigger chances of taking over politically

>Are you going to be merciful to whites once you dominate the political system?
Mestizos are not going to dominate the political system, chinks are

Cheap labor

That's not why at all lol

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undercutting the livelihood of the american worker by accepting literal slave wages isn't a positive contribution

It benefits rich people, thats all that matters in a liberal capitalist country like yours

she was on benefits and she lost her benefits after she was expose.

Its always fun derailing threads and watching brown /pols/ dance to avoid criticism and supplicate their wh*te masters

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>NOOOOO you have to help black people even though they do absolutely nothing to help you

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I would too desu

Assuming all hispanics are brown is pretty stupid

Hispanic white still isn't the traditional American definition of white, you don't need to argue semantics to protect your carefully assembled racial identity

Realistically though if america appointed a race blind points system, more blacks and hispanics would go but Indians and Asians would ascend. Thoughts?

white worshippers are very eager to please massa, muchacho. They still would have received the bullets of that walshart incel shooter


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How can they adopt an ideology centered around pride and ethnic interest but then use it tto denigrate their people for another race?

How does it work?

>i'm 12% european, thus white and not brown
chicanos probably

>Hispanic white still isn't the traditional American definition of white
I agree Iberian hispanics arent white anglos but they are not mestizo or amerindian either

>you don't need to argue semantics to protect your carefully assembled racial identity
Its not about that, I just dont like being blamed for the racism of predominantly iberian hispanics

People who are 12% european are rare, most hispanics are mestizos 50/50
Hispanic is not a race, the hispanics who
side with white supremacists are predominantly iberian most of the time

Why is it essential that Iberians distinguish themselves from the rest and cozy up to anglogermanic nazis?

Based. Better dead that red.

>Why is it essential that Iberians distinguish themselves from the rest and cozy up to anglogermanic nazis?

American white nationalists are euromutts not pure germanics who follow national socialism word for word, most accept you as long as you are european. They dont care about your specific ethnicity as long as you hate brown and black people

I guess they think that if they are good pets and kiss their asses they will be seen as one of them or something and become as racist (or even more to prove themselves to massa) they're just a tool for division and they're still gonna be hated but they still do their dirty work.

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also don't forget about their Jewish conspiracy theories.

Are niggers in USA so muttified that this could pass as black in America?

So its a slightly watered down version of the aryan? Do Iberians regularly find acceptance in northern Nazi movements? Jow Forums gives you the impression that Nazis are varg tier

Push comes to shove true allegiances will be exposed and traitors won't find any help or consolation

Russia is the definition of soul though, they practically invented it.

>So its a slightly watered down version of the aryan
All whites are aryan and equal under american euromutt nationalism
>Do Iberians regularly find acceptance in northern Nazi movements?
Iberians wont be accepted by real natsocs obviously, natsoc is about germanic supremacy not about "white" supremacy
>Jow Forums gives you the impression that Nazis are varg tier
Europeans can be varg tier but not americans, american whites are euromutts so they prefer "white" nationalism

solo callate y hazlo, Joseph

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