Finland gets only 5-6 hours of daylight in wintertime

>Finland gets only 5-6 hours of daylight in wintertime
Are Finns vampires?

Attached: Sunset at 14.30. The shortest day of the year in Helsinki.jpg (2048x1362, 783K)

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I wish to live there. Daylight is annoying

Fuck the son

In Scandinavia you'd have to put up with almost perma-daylight from May to August.

But the sun is pretty low and with weak beams. Here in summer is a fucking coal furnace


>Here in summer is a fucking coal furnace

The Mediterranean gets the air flow from the Sahara in summertime which makes everything like a bake oven.

yeah i know dude, i live here. And that's sucks

Yes they suck you dry.
I wish some finn would suck me please

based, same

to me the crazy part is how Nordics manage to maintain their roads in winter. That's expensive as all fuck

You can also live in Arizona and enjoy 40-43 degree temperatures every day in midsummer.


>2:30 PM sunset on the first day of winter
Here it would be about 4:15 PM

Israeli summers are also Hell on Earth.

Ah yes having to stay indoors all summer because it's a furnace how nice. No idea why big cities exist in the desert in the US

In AZ you do all your gardening/planting from October to February since during summer, it gets blazing hot and bone-dry--there's no precipitation at all for several months.

>but the sun is pretty low and with weak beams
lol no it's as high in the sky as it can get and blasting you with strong beams for 18 hours

Yes. Finns love to suck other people.

>Rain for all day
>+7° C

I fucking wish it was that much.

I love that dark and dusky time of the year. Lucky Finns

My record is 3 months without seeing the sun.


Not even. Eastern Finland.

Hard to believe we're as far north as Alaska and it's only really habitable here because of warm ocean streams from the gulf of Mexico.

>Poland talking about alcoholism and domestic abuse


The south coast of Alaska is really quite mild for its latitude due to ocean air.

Norway is literally the perfect country. I wish I could live there 2bh!

The Sun in central Sweden gets to about 53 degrees in the sky around the first day of summer. In Arizona, 80 degrees.

I was thinking the same thing about yours desu~

Green vegetables reach huge sizes in Alaska due to near-permanent sunlight in summer. I suppose this also happens in Scandinavia?

Wanna switch?

Nobody much lived there before air conditioning.

I used to live in Murmansk when I was a child, polar day is really annoying. Polar nights are OK though

yes but it's bit rarer here

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It may have to do with the amount of sunlight. I'm not totally sure but Alaska might have fewer cloudy days than Scandinavia.

Yes but only if I can bring my social benefits

>first day of summer
you couldn't even have named a more arbitrary and subjective metric even if you tried

Growing huge vegetables isn't really a thing a Scandinavian would do and brag about it unless you're an Ameriboo like this guy . You're allowed to brag about catching a big fish though.

No really it's right here. 54 degrees on the summer solstice.

Same in all nordic countries. And for us who live up north the sun doesn't rise at all a while.

Attached: Stugan Nyår 2018-2019.jpg (1502x800, 1.11M)

Disgusting incel


The polar night is GOAT. Me and my wife moved up here north of Kiruna about 6 years ago and the long night is amazing.
Same with the midnight sun in the summer, though it's a bit annoying sometimes not having any darkness.

We too

>wake up around 08:30, it's dark
>cook and eat breakfast then head to work
>walking to my job, it's dark
>lunchtime around 12:30, it's dark
>quit work at 16:30, it's dark
>walk to the nearest grocery store in the dark
>walk home
>not once do you see the sun

That's life here in winter. If you like it or not depends completely on you. Some love it, others freak out and go into depression.

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Calendar summer versus meterological summer. Where I am it's roughly as follows:

Spring=April 1 to May 14
Summer=May 15 to October 14
Fall=October 15 to November 14
Winter=November 15 to March 31

this is comfy, same with the summer just replace the word dark with light in your post. what i really hate is spring/autuum when you get sunshine during the day and suddenly at 6-7 in the evening its dark. wtf is that? make up your mind i want total darkness or light all day, not a mix of both!

Down there there's no real dusk or twilight, it just goes from full daylight to nighttime.

>and suddenly at 6-7 in the evening its dark. wtf is that?
Not him but that's just life here in middle Sweden

Sunrise - 10:30
Sundown - 14:30

There's like a few hours of shitty daylight that's usually darkened by heavy clouds.

Imagine 3 months without sun, but you live not in a civilized, comfy, wealthy Scandinavian town, but in a industrial hell, where air's poisoned and soil is contaminated with radiation.

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>Where I am it's roughly as follows:

Here it is like this

Spring = May 15th to June 10th
Summer = June 11th to September 15th
Fall = September 16th to October 15th
Winter = October 16th to May 14th

Sounds like a horror survival video game.

Here you will still have warm weather and green trees into at least the first two weeks of October. By mid-month is when the trees begin to change colors.

>Finland is so cool because the people are all introverts like me and they have snow and stuff! And they're not bothered by nudity (sauna) and they are also based and have no minorities. I wish I lived in Finland, then I wouldn't be a huge fucking failure and even if I was it would be ok because everyone there is introverted like me!

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We usually have the first couple snowstorms in the middle of September here, which is just autumn/fall weather since the snow never stays.
In early October the temperature starts dropping below freezing around the clock and winter begins.

And thanks to our location here we get idiotic amounts of snow.
Last year we got around 2 meters of fresh snow in the end of October. By December the snow depth reached 4.4 meters.

Attached: Riksgränsen.jpg (720x960, 37K)

>And they're not bothered by nudity (sauna) and
But you'd have to look at an old fat guy's dick while you're in there. It doesn't sound as great as some people think.


No you don't bro.
You're sitting next to each other not face to face and you look at each other's faces if you look at each other not at each others balls man... the fuck is wrong with americans?

since when is domestic abuse an issue in poland you dumb discount swede

Didn't Swedes ravage and pillage you in a war and some of the loot is still on display in the national museum in Stockholm?

Nanook of the North

>There's like a few hours of shitty daylight that's usually darkened by heavy clouds.

Attached: stockholm in january 2019.jpg (4032x1960, 708K)

I said middle Sweden, not shitty fucking Stockholm.

The clear blue sky indicates there was a high pressure system in place so as soon as it gets dark, things would become frigid.

I live for that green tinted sky that comes after the sun has set.

>But you'd HAVE TO look at an old fat guy's dick while you're in there
I think you're gay bro.

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Gray sky at night, sailors' delight
Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning

t. Fatty

Attached: malmo on january 4, 2019.jpg (597x389, 76K)

I live 20 hours north of Malmö kek, probably 24 hours if I take the bus

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Surprised this hasn't been posted yet

play at 2x speed

>24 hours if I take the bus
Do they drive 60 km/h at winter or what?

50km/h is the speed limit on lots of roads up here so yes, 60 km/h sounds about right.

Holy shit, that's fucking slow. What's the actual distance to your city?

Malmö to my home here in Kiruna is about 1850km if you take the main roads. But if you go in winter, there's like a 50% chance a couple of the main roads are gonna be blocked by snow so it's always a gamble.

I love winter. You can see the streetlamp illuminated depression on peoples faces when you walk around the town. Makes me feel less alone.

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Same, also winter walks are just top comfy

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Do southies really get that much?

Shortest days of the year are 5 hours and 49 minutes around the winter solstice.

I forgot for a moment how big Sweden is.

Sweden has a relatively dry climate since the mountain barrier in the west prevents most of the moisture from the Atlantic from penetrating.

>denial that P*les and Eastern Euros and general beat their women at arab-tier rates
Not that it's a bad thing when you think about it

Oh but in Scandinavia I'd miss those warm dark summer nights.

can confirm since most of that moisture falls on my head
fucking swedes

nigga you realize that sweden is about as long as your entire east coast right? is the weather in florida comparable to the weather in new hampshire?

In fact it's just a little bigger than California, so about half the length of the East Coast.

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Here you have bright, warm summer nights instead.
I live pretty far north, sun doesn't set at all in summer. And the temp is usually around 18-20C at night.
Pic related

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If you put Sweden on the East Coast it would stretch from Maine down to about North Carolina.

That Guy might live somewhere much More north

You actually get shorter summer days down there, around 14 hours of daylight.

no one is outside during the winter

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no u

Spring = March 1th to June 1th
Summer = June 1th to September 1th
Fall = September 1th to March 1th

If you have seen the Swedish original version then you have seen my home town kek.

Fuck this looks comfy.
I might have the opportunity to go and work in Luleå next year, would it be a bad decision?

Nah Luleå is a nice town.
Luleå City Festival is top comfy, with live music and tasty food everywhere all night (in the midnight sun).
I visit quite often since I have friends and family there.

Attached: Lulea-city-festival-water.jpg (1600x1062, 1.58M)