dying nation
Dying nation
dying nation
so that means you are our friend
New world master is china
>missed quads by one
germans are true boomers
it's over
You can see the Axis friends here
It's already dead.
It can't, because it is
>tfw situation in your country is worse than Japan
korean and japs should just off themselves ugly asian monkeys
Moon will fix that
in his dreams yea
all east asia is dying
stfu cuck.
Japan is fine.
The white outline remind me of the flag piss user yesterday. Whatever happened to the second flag he promised to do?
No, it's healthy shrinking.
Europe on the other hand is dying.
They are replaced by other people of totally diffetent cultural background.
Time to learn Russian. I'd rather live among slavs than the brown mass that is washing over europe.
It died in 1945.
both weebs and slavaboos get the bullet
Kek So True
East Asia need fresh boat.
How can he fix it when over half the population is against him?
Corporate media and capitalist education system forever conspire to defeat social democracy.
Korea is inevitable decline.
People are suffering from hunger despite working like slaves.
We are about to commit mass suicide.
There is no future.
There is future
But only the future you choose
Arise, comrade
Our time is now.
This image proves there are too many chinks, please NATO, NUKE THEM ALL
every 1st world country is stagnating
including america
it's the worst choice
No country has succeeded by communism
We know that we will perish cleanly.
Enjoy your purity, we brown boys will take over the world.
Do not believe their lies
Capitalism must and will collapse
We have the power to make socialism succeed
The planned economy is technologically feasible
We only need to reach for that future
Or do you prefer a slow suicide?
You are Korean.
It's just the unmistakable truth.
They need more raw sex
Have more sex
Increased birth rate solves all problems in Japan
Morning raw lovely sexual intercourse its great.
I creampied wife today and also yesterday night.
Then she asked for a hug meanwhile we were still attached.
Sex is solution.