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Other urls found in this thread:


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took your time you yankoid worm *cracks the whip*

wage gap is nonsense


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Women can NOT create art.

mad to think that without these anoraky yanks dutifully making news, /brit/ would die several times a day


all the proof you need that women have it harder is in that last thread
just defending women gets rabid incels berating you, calling you names, a liar

love women

name 3

mummy, mum's mum and dad's mum

say NO to immigrant fish!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-22 (7) Christopher Barker - Brexit Party PPC on Twitter Our work IS NOT DONE UNTI (584x583, 386K)

cute girl with the cute ears and the cute giggle

I want to make new threads but I have been banned for doing it before so now I don't even risk it.


>cute girl with the cute ears and the cute giggle
god that was a tiresome saga and fuck you for making me remember it

absolutely destroyed the trannies in the last thread

yes yes you can hold your applause


Uh...let me think...

Churchill...no wait! Henry VIII! No...uh...

love women but most of them are complete mongs that are hive minded

trixie matel
eddie izzard
sarina valentina

he probably followed her to her house, murdered her then killed himself

*holds my applause*

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not sure that's exclusive to women

not even sure whom you are talking about

I'm going to wear an earring at toil tomorrow to piss off Toilberg haha

>Eddie Izzard

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*slaps it out of your hands*
*kicks you in the head as you bend over to pick it up*

your mum

fuck off

She needs to fix her teeth and sort out her fucking brow and she'd be mummykino

might play some dcss

i've shagged all your various mums

ive shagged every nook and granny on these great isles

mum's been lonely since dad left

not racist against niggers because I've got 5 nigger friends


omg you mean i can drink pepsi AND coke?!

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just did an IMMENSE sneeze
had the windows shaking
next door's dog is going spare

give it a rest leftypol it's sunday morning

could you please sneeze at an acceptable volume next time

shouldn’t you lot be in church?

sorry lad, came from nowhere

watching the new season of top boy

can't imagine those trade embargoes imposed by the US help with the variety

you have two lives
the second begins when you realise you only have one


keep posting this until Bernie sees

nah mosque isn't open today

got banned for genuflecting too much

that shop looks grim though. bet it’s shit quality

For goodness sake leftypol, it's God's day. Just take a day off.



Attached: 0arrypotta.jpg (240x240, 12K)

Need boomers out of business stat

now that would be an epic prank

mad how leftypol hates christianity but loves islam (an off shoot of christianity)



The grass is always greener
Calm down and enjoy it a bit nerd

*dabs on the virgin mary*
what now father o'shaughnessy?

Inshallah currently male-identifying sibling

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wonder what cocktail of drugs he's on

toying with forces beyond my understanding

Doing a wee jobby, mayhaps a collection of wee jobbies is a more fitting term as the coagulation is lacking

This works the other way around too

doing a relax

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finally did a poo
squirted out and it was sloppy and quite a light hue
i was hoping for something a little more substantial tbqh

was about to say this

Yeah, thats why its a caricature comic

Scotland? Nordic nation mate just look at a map

Need something like trikepatrol porn but for africa

Reloaded the aftershave yesterday. 78 notes but worth every penny. Gyaldem love it (including the yank gf)

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Starting to think Bruce is the only funny poster(s) left here (apart from me of course)

what do you wear?
i tend to use vera wang as my day fragrance and g&d the one as my evening fragrance

>Starting to think
That makes a change!!!!!

might invest in a tattoo

Thank goodness

watching the rugger
incredibly boring sport when it comes down to it

complete radio silence for 20 days
makes you wonder what they did to him in that time

happens more often the other way round

Chanel Allure homme sport

MASSIVE brawl in the pub last night over whether or not 'arseology' was a real world, followed by who could claim credit for coining it

Less boring than football

its good when the teams are somewhat evenly matched but yeah watching feckless shitters get demolished isnt fun in any sport

Rotation is Tom Ford Noir Extreme, Acqua Di Parma Essenza and then I got more Bleu De Chanel EDT yesterday

doesn't work as well though because the left are supposed to be victims. left wing politics is for standinf up in favour of the weak disabled, unemployed, women, minorities etc

you don't get leftist supremacists

i must say i disagree
but then i'm not into sticking me fingers up other lads' arses

nah, tbf a good rugby match can be decent entertainment

state of that cunt tho

antifa knocked over a bin and punched a defenceless holocaust denier in the face
terrorism is what it is

left wing politics in 2019 is about following corporate agendas and media trends

good post

Corbyn said he is going to ban gamers.

they are ideological supremacists

They did WHAT to a bus stop? Well, seems as though the ‘tolerant’ left rears it’s ugly head