This week we lost diplomatic relations with the Solomon Islands and Kiribati.
Have you ever heard of those shitholes?
This week we lost diplomatic relations with the Solomon Islands and Kiribati.
Have you ever heard of those shitholes?
actually I heard about the Kiribati Islands. Fuck the Republic of "China" for being annoying faggots
It's just a start.
Don't know don't care but I went to a Taiwanese street food restaurant last night and it was wonderful
how do you feel about becoming part of china in your lifetime?
Yeah, from history class.
Battle of Tarawa was one of the premiere battles of the Pacific
And Solomon Campaign was one of the bloodiest from the Jap perspective that is (86k dead)
you gonna go back to china
bye bye
Good. The province of Taiwan will reunite with the Han Khalifa within our lifetime, insha'Allah.
Why does the UN not recognized Taiwan as a sovereign nation when it does recognize North Korea? Taiwan follows the international rules like a proper country and NK doesn’t give a shit. It’s not fair.
Because Taiwan is not a real country while DPRK is.
America doesn't even recognize Taiwan but it tries to bully weak nations that just want the same economic benefits from recognizing Beijing. Fucking hypocrites.
Because the CCP is autistic
Taiwan has more right to sovereignty than either Korea's
Fren, we'll set up diplomatic relationship with you
Shut up you retarded dog.
The only reason we don't recognize Taiwan is because not doing so would tank the global economy.
But we are the primary supporter of Taiwan.
Any country that recognizes the CCP over the ROC is a shameless dog, including the USA. But the fucking federals refuse to tank the global economy because muh money.
I love and support Taiwan with all my heart
>Any country that recognizes the CCP over the ROC is a shameless dog, including the USA.
Change your own government before judging others.
i encounter you again
Go to hell.
I can't control the president, nor can I force congress to do it because they're a bunch of dogs.
But if I could, I would. To hell with China. Beijing should be turned to ashes
>Because the KMT/Chiang Kai-shek was autistic
Fixed that for you. If they hadn't kept pretending to be the legitimate government of China after losing 99% of their territory, and instead just cut their losses and declare independence, they would already be fully recognized by the UN despite China stamping their feet.
Both Taiwan and NK are not real countries according to China and SK’s constitution.
But they are China you fucking retard.
UK has lost 99% of it's imperial territories. But it is still the UK
>I can't control the president
Sorry thought you lived in a democracy, my bad.
Perfidious pacific islands
and SK is not real according to North Korean constitution
The CCP is an illegitimate state, and any legal document from that nation has no force.
Since when is Democracy one person controlling somebody.
Everyone else in the nation is to much of a pussy to risk WW3 in doing something that is actually worthwhile. They'd rather live in a fucking delusional world where the shithole CCP claims to be China when in fact any person with an actual brain realizes this is the worst catastrophe in human history (the existence of the CCP that is)
Sad. Only 16 countries left keeping up the good fight and recognizing Taiwan. Stay strong.
How can you tell wtf, also start using a different image
>Everyone else in the nation is to much of a pussy to risk WW3 in doing something that is actually worthwhile.
Congress just voted to punish any infringement on Hong Kong sovereignty. Why aren't they proposing a bill to recognize Taiwanese independence? Why is the most powerful nation afraid?
FUCK Taiwan!
Praise Xi, PRC=only real China!
calm mannered and largely respectful
Lel apart from the Vatican they’re all just leeches.
Kiribati is a flip flopper, reestablished diplomatic ties in 2003 because we offered more money and now China is giving them big loans so it’s bye bye again.
Might as well just lose all of them, they’re a money sink anyway and I’ll have to see less full ride scholarship Caribbean monkeys here.
Wasn't a large part of the reason they (and other pacific island nations) recognized Taiwan was because the US was encouraged them in order to limit Chinese influence in that part of the Pacific?
Why exactly did they break off relations?
Either way, given how economically linked Taiwan and the mainland are becoming, I don't think this matters much in the long run in terms of Taiwanese sovereignty.
It's Albania's fault.
Look it up
>But they are China you fucking retard.
No, they aren't, and if you ask Taiwanese they would say no. In fact, the "nationalist" KMT of today would love to be subservient to the mainland. They're always pushing for closer relations to China. This isn't fucking 1950 anymore.
Not only that but ask how many Taiwanese are ready to fight China and most will tell you they'll probably just jump ship to avoid the draft and are counting on America to do most of the fighting/dying for them.
One thing I don't understand is how the KMT seeks closer relations with the PRC yet still has the official view of one china under the ROC. And the PRC accepts this because they know a KMT government would not risk relations. It's like the most extreme case of agreeing to disagree
I heard that the Taiwanese military is quite incompetent
Taiwan didn't want to be acknowledged as a sovereign nation when they were asked
>call your country Kiribati
>named after how you spell "Gilberts"
>"uh it's pronounced Kiribass"
wtf man
>Taiwan didn't want to be acknowledged as a sovereign nation when they were asked
More like it was not in their options to be acknowledged as a sovereign nation. Either you get kicked out right now or later eventually.
It was. They could be Taiwan, but refused this because they are all of China and had to accept the CCP controlling the mainland
>They could be Taiwan
How do you think that would be viable till this day if you look at how PRC is fiercely blocking any movement for Taiwanese independence?
One China policy
Yes, they're in OUR backyard but now China has come and we're going to get fucking wrecked. China's gonna build bases EVERYWHERE, soon Xi will just cut the pretences and annex us once and for all. We deserve it.