we'd reached mars by now if we wouldn't have kept the catholics alive
We'd reached mars by now if we wouldn't have kept the catholics alive
Europe never had civilization until the catholics came.
Greece collapsed along with rome and all that was in Europe was huns and goths murdering people, the only reason rome still exists is because the goths were Christians since that meant they didn't destroy churches.
Not really
The Catholic Church was evil , but it's the reason Europe had a scientific arising
Finland literally wouldn't have a civilization without Catholics
That'd be a pretty fucked calendar to be at the begining of spring just when the temperatures are lowering if you ask me
So arianism saved europe in other words
catholic church is the biggest force of good.
When do you differentiate catholicism from Christianity as a whole?
After the great schism?
mega-cringe and retarded
von Braun was a christian
western civ is literally just another world for catholicism
the goths were catholic.
When you place an absolute being as the ultimate form of truth and good, you tend to ask for some high level of requirements in your search for the truth
Well, maybe that for some time religious institutions can hold scientific enquiries back but in the long run, a monotheism will always lead to some rational demands
lol no
look at the uk. for 500 years there was 0 ethnic groups exterminated there. then within 150 years of Protestantism almost everyone of those ethnic groups has been exterminated to tiny numbers and many languages went extinct.
that isn't a coincidence.
Rationalism is literally a shitty perverted off-shoot of Catholic scholasticism, retarded baguette fucker
lol ya
The Catholic Church is a crypto communist organization. I hate that my hispanic mother raised me to believe in it.
That's what was implied Guido
And modern experimental sciences came from the same source, some scholastic monks rediscovering Aristotle and begining to experiment
but the catholic church says you have a right to private property so how is it commune?
Goths were into arianism you nigger
It would be pretty based if it was
protestantism has a bad habit of labeling culture as heresy and destroying every aspect of a people's culture, leaving people to face only their version of god. It's not different from muslims who destroy everything that distracts you from their laid out road to god.
What protestants accuse catholics of heresy is their pagan and native cultural practices used to express the christian faith.
People are left to keep their cultural practices and accomodate them to the religious beliefs.
This way people are happier and cultured.
Protestantism kills.
"private property" or "individual property"?
so were romans. most goths were catholic and so were romans.
the only reason any ethnic group still exists today in Europe is because of the catholic church.
the catholic church is the most anti-communist orginisation
Indeed, same thing with Witches huntings, often viewed as a medieval catholic thing while it was a much later protestant one
Catholicism is the joy of a monotheism with the sweetness of med life, not with the germanic autism
>the catholic church is the most anti-communist orginisation
I know, that's the problem
but nothing about scientific enquiry is against Catholicism. In fact secular rationalism does the opposite, claiming intelligibility of the material world as a presupposition in order to get rid of the unrefutable metaphysics that underline Catholic scholasticism.
That's why science has become a meme nowadays, it actually always was, having been built on a floor made of send.
it is very sad.
look at north America, barely any natives.
then look at south, many countries there have native languages, the only reason more don't is because free masons influenced missionary work.
>Awaa! Richttirrie!
People need to realise there's no such thing as a Christian dark ages, just a germanic dark age.
youre worse than afrocentrists
this is again true. I think there was as many witch burning in Scotland as there was in the whole of catholic Europe.
Catholics are only good because their bible contains more information.
Holy shit cuckolics are retarded as fuck.
it is cool how every culture that is famous in Europe comes from catholic countries and not protestant ones.
the germanics were christians so yes it was indeed a christian dark age
this. it was just because pagan germanics invaded everywhere in Europe.
Please, do not take what is a mere step for the end of the road
Indeed, right now, the catholic absolute requirement of truth seems to have turned against itself but worry not, the synthesis between the advancements of purely experimental enquiries and irrefutable metaphysics truth will come eventually
The current "autonomy" of sciences is not to last forever
Most delusional and retarded post ive read in a while, are you mentally ill?
every other country in Europe has no culture. there is no Swedish, Scottish, Norwegian or welsh culture.
And though it's true Sven
w-what about england
Romans were Christians too, and theirs is not the responsiblity of a dark age.
So were Ethiopians Christian and this brought no evil to their country.
Germanics brought in the destruction of the roman empire, feudalism, migration and invited and allied (several times) muslims into europe.
It is no coincidence as the germanic dynasties die off, and are replaced by native dynasties that countries slowly lift themselves up back into the renaissance and modernism. Renaissance being a celebration of Romans and Greeks, and not of Germanics.
History tells us that you can add Christianity to all cultures without a dark age. But you can't add Germanics into a culture and not expect a decline.
England is not a european country, it comes straight from hell
>swedish culture
You're fucking retarded, he didn't say they weren't christians, he said the problem came from the fact they were germs and not from the fact that they were christians.
Cope harder you polish immigrant rat
english culture by itself dominates all of those combined
You scandis are americanized to the core, of course you can’t get enough of that anglo cock
England is the least culture place in Europe. even Russia has more culture.
I am Scottish. England has no culture other than usury and sodomy.
England is more of a catholic tsundere than a real protestant country
Not its fault some of its not-so-subtle colonies took it seriously
It is truth though.
What do normies think of when thinking Germany? Is it Bavaria and Catholic Germany or protestant Germany?
What do normies think of the Netherlands? Pot and whores? Protestant netherlands. Everything traditional and good? Catholic Netherlands.
Austria? A civilized beautiful place.
Protestant Germany? Gray, degenerate, tired, muslim.
Sweden? Some Swedish minister tells Sweden doesn't have culture and that's fine according to Swedes. Because it's true, and protestantism did away with Swedish cultural aspects because it was heresy.
Copeius maximus
American and english culture is the prevalent and only relevant ones, southern europe is irrelevant and a vacation resort for their betters.
Stay mad copera singer
Sounds like you are the tsundere here
By normies do you mean swarthy americans from the deep south?
Lol stay subjugated slave
No, American culture is not relevant, it is dominant
But what does being dominant mean the whole world became irrelevant?
gigacope post of the century
americans and England have culture
pay off your loan and use a condom
Holy mother of cope and shit logic
If they were catholics you would have used them as an example of catholic supremacy
One does not get to choose where they are born, but ones does get to choose where one spends their holidays.
Work and grind for most of one's life, only so that one can spend a few days living in Southern Europe. S-A-D.
If they were catholics the world would still be relevant
you could grind your entire life and still not afford my shoes lmfao, go get me a gyros little brownboi
I do not have shoes.
I do not risk frostbite. My feet walk over soft things, warmed by the sun.
Shoes are detrimental to proper walking, and the health of the foot and the skin. When I do have to wear some foot protection, I wear sandals.
>swedish culture be like : uh you can't afford my shoes
that pic seems to imply that nord culture = mountains, whereas meds have plenty of mountains. It also seems to imply protestants have....flags? Oil? Meds have all that shit too.
Oh right, you claim you are rich, that's the only "culture" that you can claim to have.
Looks like a big self-own, this picture.
What a shitty thread. Cucktholicism really is a cancer on humanity
>Swedish culture is not being able to afford shoes
>A-alba gu b-brath
We'd reach Pluto by now if the whole world was Catholic
Cucktianity in all its forms is cancer and should be deleted
It should be legal to kill Catholics
>God save the queen
I am not a gael.
>he doesn't know about the ancient kings of finland
Brah, even sumer was finno-ugric. Not to mention that Rurik was tavastian
Kill yourself and stop shaming us diaspoo toilet cleaner. It's all really cringe
I am a Scottish Lowlander.
why are non catholics so obsessed about catholics?
i mean i know we literally created european culture and spread knowledge all across the world, why do you care?
So Englishman who desperately try to ignore this fact and is larping as member of nationality which his ancestors personally expelled 200 years ago.
My ethnicity has existed for the past 700 years.
protestantism is founded on hating catholics.
and Catholicism was founded on loving god
so if protestants hate those that love god...
too bad there aren't little boys on mars
why is it catholic countries are all poor and brown? Why are protestant countries so succesful?
False. It is founded on hating Mediterranean apes.
like the Irish and Polish and Germans?
yeah. the protestants would probably force them to work in a factory.
t. chink manlet
most catholic countries have only been catholic for less than 100 years.
>catholics: rape kids
>protestants: exploit kids to death in a factory or plantation
orthodoxs: ?
Do you not know it is the poor that will inherit the kingdom in heaven?
Jesus loved the poor. Jesus told the rich to give his wealth to charity, and follow him.