I've heard that Poland has skyscrapers. Is that true?

I've heard that Poland has skyscrapers. Is that true?

Attached: poland.jpg (251x201, 13K)

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Reverse Poland here

Yes you dirty roach

I haven't heard anything about Poland since it joined the coalition of the willing back in 03.

Poland has skyscrapers therefore it is first world and will replace g*rmany as the dominant european power in the next 3 years

Poland is strange

Attached: reg.png (1920x1080, 3.7M)

It's probably already replaced

V4 economies are very vibrant

Warsaw is giant sea of shit with couple little islands of civilization

Attached: 1551663396701.png (419x238, 84K)

are you sure ?

Attached: xfj.png (1920x1080, 3.9M)

yes, I am:


and this one looks like that now:


Poland has SKYSCRAPERS but also MALLS and BARS!

Yes but they are few and not very tall.

Attached: skyscrapers europe.png (908x683, 110K)

You are on the same level of autism as this Warsaw poster desu

Attached: 1559791047585.jpg (634x478, 82K)

Russia has the tallest skyscraper in Europe

very nice

Attached: москва.jpg (1280x853, 525K)

Attached: 20_PKiN_Warszawa_270915[1].jpg (1365x2048, 2.27M)

Skyscrappers are disgusting, I don't see why people would want them to be built. We're not in some dystopian cyberpunk hellhole like East Asia or North America.

skyscapers are based though

Attached: paris.jpg (960x540, 146K)

Lahta centre, from Petersburg

Nah these are ugly as hell. At least early 20th century skyscrapers had remnants of soul.

mixed feelings
your opinion is wrong mon ami

Attached: питер.jpg (640x799, 111K)

Das rite roach. We will be superpower in 2030

Woah, incredible