
pakis edition

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11 o'clock
shall i have a posh coffee?

Bye then

Mad how the bbc is still around despite it being common knowledge money they coerced from the population was directly used in the sexual abuse of children and it's subsequent covering up

What's posh about jt

>japs playing rugby

doesn't quite compute 2bh

I was richer than matt leblanc once

like not instant
probably costs in real terms in excess of 50p for a small cup

holy shit they have every base covered. how can rorkeypol compete

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Nah have some grim filter coffee instead

if you make me one too go ahead

only 2 of them look japanese . the rest are weebs who werent good enough to play for another team

is jonny wilkinson autistic?

Who is the one on the left?


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based brainless femoid retards

jazz is relevant as a Jow Forums meme nothing more

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is my name jim

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Deportation is the only option.

*Pick up the phone and dials a number*
Put a pot of PG on im coming over
*Hangs up*

They all look japanese rorke

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*Takes a shit in the dunnie*

Don't look English though

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so it's treason then

only kissed one girl since boxing day 2017
havent kissed that girl since may

because of course youtube could easily infer from my watch history that I would want to watch this

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Jesus fucking christ I've never heard of this. How do brits not just wholesale slaughter pakis after something like this?

she has a tv show. normies are watching that

Make way for an absolute belter



*somersaults into the thread*
it is i, me

>nager syndrome
christ, how do I avoid catching that?

I don't believe even 1 in 100 people would know who she is especially over here

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I shag
Therefore I am

based pakis

Remember lads the door to heaven and Gods acceptance is always open.

Don't let desperation and anger, or concern over your past deprive you of true fulfillment. Go to church or a mosque now

no religion for your face

god isnt real

by Allah behave yourself or I'll give you a taste of my shoe

religion? oh you mean those FAKE fairy stories that millions of grown adults believe are real. I'm a little too intelligent for that rubbish thanks.

Might go to pornhub and search 'jasmine mendez' then watch a few videos

Leftypol boner material

jesus cant change your genetics

Want a different haircut but have only ever ordered short back and sides fuck sake

Your cynical behaviour is only out of conviction of your damnation. You despise religion because of accountability.

Remembered god is oft forgiving and truly knows your innermost intentions. Time is passing and the window of opportunity closing

wheres daddy's little kitten


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He and the other prophets suffered worse. The greatest gift is helping your fellow human discover the path to salvation

what if i really wanted to believe but could not

Well Rorke?

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Based righteous fren

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Formerly Baby Chuck

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is there another thread going?

I don't know. You tell me

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Another weekend wasted
Toilberg is hooting

going through my youtube history and honestly don't remember watching the majority of them
apparently I watched about 20 videos of tigers and bears and other wild dangerous animals chasing cars in a row
and I seem to be far more interested in ghost videos than I previously realised

My incurable yellow fever isn't being helped by this massive influx of chinese students

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they are all dull cunts

Normies seething ahah

why is the sign photoshopped

They look fucking weird. Uncanny valley to the extreme. Sort of human, but not really.

What has the bottom image got to do with the top?

need a trisha patayas gf

Damn for the first time I've been here there are a group of girls at this bar but I've got to leave for the plane so I can't talk to them

what if [hypothetical question don't @ me dgsi] i want to be a neo-nazi

and then of course theres THIS gem

Thought crime and jailed, bigot

theres a lad in my town who always walks around in a full on trench coat, fedora and sunglasses, has a neckbeard and plays air gutiar everywhere



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Bless you user

It doesn't need to happen immediately or inorganically. At this point your explicit goal should be some research, even if cursory, to try to and understand religious ideals. I pray God enlightens your heart

To be fair the Pakis couldn't rape white kids in London because there aren't any left.

pics x

thom yorke just confirmed he slept with bjork on desert island discs lads


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shagged bjork round the back of an iceland in 99

Why do pakis constantly stare it annoys me to fuck

Have to go to college once a week as part of my apprenticeship, droves of little paki roadmen just sitting around with their little paki heads on a swivel staring at people, they don't even seem to be talking to eachother half the time

for me, it 's r/spreadem

omg she is ITT right now

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My teeth are yellow like the one on the right

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went to a taiwanese restaurant last night
pengest pengest pengest waitress i've ever had

Damn this society.

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Who /onholidaybythepool/ here?

whydo yanks dress like they're 10 years old

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i was so naive to believe I could ignore all my problems

What is this yellow fever power hour?

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Just got back form the Co-op with a cornucopia od reduced priced items. Will feed me for a week even thought the BBD is today.

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just go up to her and talk to her bro, works every time trust me

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made a wish for a pretty gf

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