Why do people use "cultural Marxism" as a synonym for Western liberalism? This is an insult to Karl Marx's good name.
Why do people use "cultural Marxism" as a synonym for Western liberalism? This is an insult to Karl Marx's good name
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Bottom pic is based though
>Karl Marx's good name
never existed.
Modern people use memes to play political sport. They don't care about definitions or its history
anything remotely related to communism is a bad thing to americans, natural reaction nurtured by their propaganda brainwashing
The stuff at the bottom has nothing to do with communism though. Women getting drunk and acting like sluts is a result of liberalism and capitalism. Not authoritarianism.
afaik it's a concept from the frankfurt school and the manifestation of western culture today was something they were hoping for as a way to sew economic and social chaos and cause a communist revolution somehow
Because deep down, all the alt righters and "conservatives" are liberals, and they have to be careful not to identify their own ideology as the root of the problem.
why do you hate people for hating jazz
because they don't want to admit that it's the white man's fault
also no form of government ever guaranteed you a cute and lovely wife so get off your high horse
why is everyone playing victim nowadays anyway
fucking faggots
>never existed
joke on you nigger
>The world's just fine how it is. You're the problem not us!
Why are you even on this board?
>good name
>NOOOOOO, you cant drink and have fun nooooo
incel zoomer salty that he doesn't get the hang out at the parties
They needed a name that would scare Americans and adding "marxism" was the perfect way to do that.
>ugh degenerates not aesthetic at all
cultural marxism was not made for communist regimes it was made to erode the burguois morals in capitalist countries
You act like it's hard to hang at parties. It's just degenerate. There's nothing easier than getting drunk in a club and if you act like that's n achievement, you're probably the incel zoomer
slow down pablo
I also agree with you, I think it's a retarded meme. They should use a different term, liberalism (lot let free) is more correct. Communist countries were culturally completely opposed to the decadent lifestyle of the West, including what passes as "cultural marxism" these days.
neo-liberalism is a heir of the 68 revolution and the 68 is a heir of the cultural marxim of the first wave of intelectuals of the 50-60's
>i-i totally could if i wanted to b-but i dont want to because i-ts degenerate
you all realize that 100 years ago men who were just tired of fucking their wives would spend the night out getting drunk and fucking prostitutes every fucking night
Capitalism always has been moraly superior to the extract elite based societies because it's based on voluntary mutual transactions and not coercive power
t. Karl-Marx Allee
Karl-Marx Stadt
No offense but regardless of how wrong you think his theories are Marx actually was a genius. What he wrote about the capitalist globalism from his day still applies today, and the man wrote endlessly and in an informed way about the politics of his time.
>do this or die starving
>volountary mutual transaction
imagine blaming Marx for not getting laid lmao
It refers to cultural relativism. That some people pretend all cultures are equal. But relativism has been replaced with Marxism.
>based on voluntary mutual transactions and not coercive power
yes, it's what living in society means
>giving people permission to be degenerate satanists because "muh freedom"
>morally superior
Neo-liberals on the other hand are quite the opposite. As they believe a. their culture is superior and b. they can impose their culture on others. As their values are absolute(ly) good.
that's just capitalism and everything your country stands for
it's not degeneration, it's the true essence of america
expropriation is socialism
because it's another one of those shallow catchphrases people don't really understand but think they can look clever by using. the temptation's always strong
>capitalism is voluntary except when it isnt but that wasnt real capitalism it actually is socialism
To add. In that regard neo-liberals and Marxism have quite a bit in common with each other, but not with cultural relativism or "cultural marxism".
Um yes, and? What's wrong with struggle? We live on a planet with limited resources which has led to life competing against itself in order to survive so why should we be any different? Unless you have a magical answer to solving this 10,000 year old human problem of limited resources, then this is the best system we got
if you're moraly degenerate in a 'laizess faire' society you die of starvation, you need to have a functional society to be successful in capitalism
>if you're moraly degenerate in a 'laizess faire' society you die of starvation
Then why are most people labeled as "degenerate" milionaires?
>Karl Marx's good name
The only thing that matters is whether you solve a problem for others not.
And how much you earn depends on how much impact that problem has on someone and how many people's lives you can affect.
An entertainer could perhaps affect the lives of many, while only solving a slight problem of 3 minutes of boredom. While a car building might affect the lives of few, while solving a big problem.
imagine taking the alt right seriously
a political movement born out of newfags and redditors who fell for the memes and the shitposts
when you become inmensely rich you have freedom to be degenerate without consequences but it's only the 1% of population so the rest 99% stay moral
Meanwhile, the leader of the biggest party in the Dutch senate.
And perhaps the prime minister in 2021.
Soviet shit was just Russian culture. All the faggy globohomo style shit went right out the door even by the late 20s with Stalin. And there will always be a Stalin like hardman who quickly takes power after the revolution kills off all the soyboy true believers.
I wonder how moot feels like creating a monster that will eventually destroy the world
and he chickened out of it
Because American Conservatives have to preserve their cognitive dissonance of loving capitalism while hating every single thing capitalism brought about such as sexual liberation and mass culture.
individuals tend to seek the short term reward when they live in welfare states that guarantee their future without the planning and effort that it requires, what leads to the degeneracy of societies making them disfunctional
People here never get laid and so they hate sluts cause somebody else gets to fuck them every weekend.
Rock and roll and Pepsi conquered communism.
Do you even go outside faggot? How is it hard to show up there and get drunk?
Ted Kaczynski was the one of the most based anti-industrialists to live and he was American. Granted he was one of kind.
He's also accused of having dinner with American white supremacists (Jared Taylor). Saying he wants to stop people from mixing with other ethnicities. And that he doesn't care about what women think, because women just vote what their husbands vote anyway. He wants to get rid of the EU, international law and human rights because it's a useless piece of paper anyway.
He also hates modern art, architects, journalists and professors.
He claims to have thrown a woman out of the car for saying Micheal Jackson is the modern Mozart.
He sounds incredibly based and I'd vote for him
>solving this 10,000 year old human problem of limited resources
Resources weren't limited 10 000 years ago, maybe relative to the level of technology possessed by early societies that were tied to their local habitat, but not in absolute terms. Resources are limited today because Malthus is inevitably right, no matter how many times people call his proponents entitled 1st world cryptofascists.
marx hated all slavs and yet slavs followed his ideology
what a fucking meme
Everyone hates Slavs so that's pretty pointless.
He's literally Jow Forums. He has a phd. And posted his nudes online.
What a legend. It's amazing someone like that even exists.
>To the sentimental phrases about brotherhood which we are being offered here on behalf of the most counter-revolutionary nations of Europe, we reply that hatred of Russians was and still is the primary revolutionary passion among Germans; that since the revolution [of 1848] hatred of Czechs and Croats has been added, and that only by the most determined use of terror against these Slav peoples can we, jointly with the Poles and Magyars, safeguard the revolution.
lmao how do commie soyboys of today rationalize Marx wanting racial nationalism (that isn't non-white) to be used to foment communist revolution?
t. w*st-german
His first speech was in latin. So the chairman of the parliament interrupted him by saying we speak Dutch in the Netherlands and not latin lol.
Is Baudet a dutch name? Sounds French.
Why do you complain about freedom and post in Jow Forums?
He Indonesian-Dutch (just like all right wing leaders here) with French roots.
Wait wait wait, this guy is a racial nationalist yet he's mixed race? Holy fuck he really is Jow Forums incarnate
I never get laid but I know that sluts are my only chance, why hate them yo.
He also has an Iranian gf.
Just when I think he can't get any more Jow Forums
how did I not know of this guy before, this world still surprises me and I like that
Moot didn't create the alt-right, mostly because the alt-right doesn't exist. It's the same far-right as always, fueled by known lobbyists such as the Koch brothers and other capitalists. In Europe we've also got influence from US politics (Steve Bannon openly shilling in Europe for its re-balkanization) and Russians (who have, in Europe, similar strategic interests to those of the American far-right, both hate the EU and the concept of a European federation with a burning passion).
Seriously though, you trace the source of far-right fake news, and A LOT of the time they come from Sputnik News or Russia Today
how did you end up here
Whaddaya mean
This is the kind of preppy kid who goes to a private university (couldn't get high enough marks in his Selectivo but daddy pays for it), has never had to work in his life, and repeats liberal talking points like a parrot, without ever stopping to think about what "freedom" or "socialism" mean.
i mean why would a normalfag ever want to visit this website
Im a disguised autist in a normalfag body. I started here at like 15 when i was pure autismo but as i got older made some normie friends and now im 18 and go clubbing 3 times a week.
But i still have the autismo in me that sometimes means i have to go to this site and talk to other autismos
Of course a Dutch degenerate would say this
Have sex, enjoy life, stop jerking off to anime
Cultural Marxism is a giant cope on the right's part because they got BTFO by this book decades ago and have been scrambling for a half decent retort since then.
W-wrong you c-cuck, Karltural Marxism is w-when a Capitalist company defends trans rights
You sure you weren't just some edgy teenager and then grew out of it?
As a genuine autist I think I would physically break down if I just entered a club.
That's pretty incredible if you're actually serious tho
Oh i dont have autism. I just was a friendless loser basically.
And clubs arent that bad, one of my mates has autism and he often comes with us. Being drunk definetly helps when it comss to social interaction
>Being drunk definetly helps when it comss to social interaction
sounds easy enough
maybe i will make it after all
Why is promiscuous sex 'degenerate' and why shouldnt it be allowed?
You brainwash our women into being manly, full of tattoos and accepting abortions as a good thing. You try to shame us for our masculinity and not being feminist white knights. You try to cast innocent conservative men away from society and resort to violence like the brainlet thugs you are. You try to fill the videogames that taught us manly values with feminazi tranny stuff. But get this one thing clear, antifa subhuman: white men are waking up to your treachery and if we get angry we may elect men like Bolsonaro and Trump all over this world. Sanity will never be gone, your CLOWN world will not triumph, you chastity cage wearing thugs.
Because it's worthless, it's not a challenge to go to a club and sweet talk some whore to go back with you, it's degenerate by nature, you go to fuck some chick that you know nothing or care about, it destroys the family unit completely and promotes hook up culture
>white men are waking up
>we may elect men like Bolsonaro and Trump
>white men
>Brazil and the USA
And how does that affect you? People arent free to do what they want?